One Day at a Time, aka Just for Today

January 13, 2020, Monday.

     I always intend to write my blog early Monday mornings, after I get our little guy off to school and I finish with my Morning Pages (Artist Way), reading my Bible and journaling.  However, life always has different plans for me, no consideration for my own. Lol, just kidding. My husband had a doctor’s appointment and I always go with him, mostly because I’m his hearing aide.  He can’t hardly hear what they are saying to him or always remember what the doctor said, so, four ears, four eyes and two brains are better than two or one.  Today he got an ok report, one of those, “considering the shape you’re in, you’re doing good”.   I’m glad of that for sure! 

     Besides the fact that I love him beyond words and care deeply what happens to him, I also need him with me on this journey of recovery and raising a little boy.  We’ve had our share of raising kids, but didn’t expect to be doing it in our retirement years.  Our grandson is a sweet, smart, good kid, but he’s still a boy and requires a lot attention and activity.  Not always easy at our age, but Lord knows we try, I’m so grateful for the one day at a time life that we have.   I am guilty of thinking & projecting ahead to his teenage years and wondering if I’ll be up to the task. Heck, I even wonder if I’ll be here at all. 

     I do pray that I am alive and doing well until at least his eighteenth birthday, so eight more years to go!  But with some of the medical conditions my husband and I have, I do fret about that some but not a lot, because like I said, we’re a one day at a time kinda people.  I would truly love some feed back of those of you who are raising teenage grandkids. 

     Our grandson’s dad seems to be giving it the ol college try once again and I would like to get very enthused about this, but I’ve been down this road way too many times.  Of course, I pray he stays clean, gets a nice decent house that our boy can go visit and I don’t have to worry about who is coming in or out of there.  My son does have a job right now and is trying to get a house with his girlfriend and her two kids.  She seems nice, the kids are cute and do alright. I wish them both the best.  I was amazed when my son came to the meeting where my husband took his 35-year cake and my son took a 60-day chip, amazing.  I’m thanking God for each and every victory.  One day at a time, one small step, one victory at a time.

     This last week I went to see my beautiful friend. I cannot hardly write this without my eyes watering just for the thought of her.  If you are reading this in real time, I ask for prayers for her especially and also her husband, family and friends.    I just can’t stand it.  I’ve lost many people in my life that I loved tremendously, so this is not new to me, but it’s still so painful to watch the suffering. I pray a cure for cancer is found soon.

     Again, we are indeed one day at a time people, what a blessing that is.  To know I don’t have to handle, conquer, put up with, or sustain something for my whole life, just for today!  This simple philosophy grabbed my attention when I first got clean and it still rings true for me now.  Just for today I can stay clean. Just for today I can take care of that cute little boy that God laid on me to take care of in my old age. Just for today I can go to the doctors with my husband and help him best I can with his medical issues. Just for today, I can try to take better care of myself and my own issues. Just for today I can try … to do the things put in front of me to do, but I don’t even do that alone, I have a Higher Power and my Love and friends.  Just for today…. 

Question of the week:  Do you live one day at time?  Does this help you handle the overwhelming problems in your life? The daily grind of chores, work and life on life’s terms?

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