Lock Down/Isolation

Lock-Down/ Isolation ( still just a one day at a time thing)

     Oky Doky ya’ll.  We’re on lock down.  And I’m ok with that!  Don’t want that crazy Coronavirus no how!  But truthfully, we are no stranger to lock downs on several levels.  Yes, my husband and I have spent some time in a little cell, especially him.  Yes, we can both be isolators, especially him, and as he has gotten older, it’s even more so. And yes, we hunker down every winter, flu and cold season for the last ten years because of his COPD, emphysema, congestive heart failure and age.  We’re kinda use to this, but now it’s magnified about 100 fold! 

     What is new and different is number one, the fear of getting a virus that could take him out so easily.  Number 2, food and stuff supply.  Number 3.  We’re stuck at home with a ten year old and the poor baby is stuck with us. 🙁   Meanwhile, keeping him up on his education and still prepping him for a state test he may or may not take. But,it never hurts to learn, right? Right!

Yes, fear is a biggy right now too, at least for me. I’m worried about my husband, kids, friends, lots of people globally. But all I can do is my own little corner of the world. I keep it as clean as possible, disinfect stay out of cowed places and leave the rest to God, cause I sure ain’t Him. Replacing fear with faith and leaning on my all time favorite life verse. Isiah 41:10 = fear not for I am with you…..

     So yes, I was brave , even if I have fear, I do what I must, and went out to a couple stores this week, with gloves and sanitizers in hand, and stocked up with what we’ll need for about a month.  I feel very blessed to have been able to do that.  Because I remember the times when that would not have been at all possible.  I called my sponsor and single friend on a tight budget and made sure they have what they need.  I have some neighbors I’m a bit worried about too.  I will check on them, even if they are still using, they have a kid, what can I say?

     Meanwhile, my cerebral angiogram is scheduled for this Thursday and the news is saying that only emergencies will be allowed in hospitals.  I have a call into my doctor as I write this. We’ll see.  Now, see, that’s the thing, we’ll see.  This whole Coronavirus thing is a wait and see how it progresses.  Wait and see if we can stay out of harms way. Wait and see if we survive. I know it’s not news to any of you that all concerts, games, sporting events, even my fun Family Feud taping of shows is all cancelled, even court!  So, the United States of America has come to pretty much a complete stand still. This is the first time in history a pandemic has been declared of this proportion.  We are not alone; this is global as you know. 

     So, for me, writing this at this time I wanted to tie it into how addicts can be great isolators.  We certainly can! The NA text book tells us that “an addict alone is in bad company”. This is a dangerous time on so many levels for us.  That is why I urge you, my recovering friends out there to try to keep in touch with your sponsors, friends in recovery and people who care about you and your recovery to stay connected.  We have online meetings, of which I have included some links on how to connect.  We have social media, phones, internet, TV, recovery literature and prayer chains.

     We have each other whether we can visit and hug in person or not. But we can send a virtual hug to our peeps! We’re gonna get through this, together.   My daughter and niece posted some great sites and connections for those of us with kids to keep learning, growing, thriving.  Keep up with their school work, that’s very important.  Keep up with their healthy nutrition and hygiene for sure for sure! And pull weeds, clean the yard for PE time! Get a little fresh air in your own yard.

     We are back to our one day at time topic, that’s all we have to do this for, is one day at a time.  I’m just asking you not to be an isolator, even if you are on lock down, which we all pretty much are.   Make a commitment to talk to at least three people a day in recovery.  Check on them (on the phone) ask them about their fears and concerns.  Share this information about online meetings and online learning programs for the kids. 

     We addict’s might be crazy, but one thing is for sure, we are survivors, we didn’t get this far by caving in and letting our disease take us away in the great abyss. We need to put on the same fearless fortitude we had/have while getting clean.  No where on earth is there a more determined bunch of people than the recovering addict/alcoholic.  

     Please reach out people, you don’t have to do this alone and remember, “Don’t use no matter what”.  God is in control, give it to Him, trust and believe, it will all work out!

Question of week:  Who are the three (at least) people I will reach out to daily during our State of Emergency time? 

What can I read/do at home to promote my recovery? (hint: work some steps, read your text book, write about how you’re feeling in a journal, online meetings and social media).

Here are some resources for you to get connected to recovery peeps.   If you know of other sites, please share. I hope this helps during your lock-down time.  J








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For you:


Narcotics Anonymous Recovery Forum  on facebook


NarAnon    also on facebook



online aa meetings now

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This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Karen

    Wow!! Thank you for sharing! Lots of great insight and encouragement! Pulled my covers BIG time. I’ve Haven’t felt so alone in years. I should have earned a few dumb medals in Isolation!!! I could be crowned the Queen of isolation. Lol. Makes me want to try the zoom meeting again. Stay strong grandma!! I too rely on Isaiah 41:10 “So do not fear for I am with you, do not be dismayed for I am your God . I will strengthen you and help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

    Love you sister. KK

    1. admin

      I’m glad you enjoyed the blog, do you see the questions at the end?

  2. Christina Cox

    I have been journaling 2 times a day, reaching out to others.. Praying, meditating.. Even cried during meditation. Working with others..

    1. admin

      Thank-you for sharing here Christina. I love journaling. I’ve done it all of my recovery, I probably have 50 or more and then some and computer journals too. I love to write and journaling really helps me a lot. I hope it helps you as well. Love you

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