
March 23, 2020 6:50am


     Today is Day 8 of the USA voluntary Lockdown.

It’s been very crazy for us all and today what I want to talk about is about being Anchored.  That’s the word that popped in my head a few days ago and now I see it and hear it in all kinds of different ways.

     Anchored: To put securely in place or in a desired position. – To drop anchor from the boat.  To secure to hold fast. To fix or fasten. To keep hold of firmly.

     I’d say we’ve been anchored this week.  We have been put securely in place! Due to the Corona virus we have been put on voluntary lock down, yet, even as I write this, that may turn into being forced to stay home, Marshall Law. We’ll see.  There are a lot of people in So Cal who do not abide by the “shelter in place” directive. It is scary. 

     But we- me and my household- have been abiding by it for eight days so far and, before that I only went to a couple of stores to make sure we were stocked up.  I stocked us up for a month. I am so grateful I was able to do that, and so… now we anchor.

     Being anchored in at home is one thing but being anchored into our recovery is another thing.  They always told me that going to meetings, working steps, being of service, working with others and working my program was paying into my insurance account of recovery.  I have always believed that, but now, more than ever!  Without my recovery, without being anchored  into it, I would not be able to stay level headed, calm and focused on what needs to be done.

     This last week I have been on Zoom about four times and watched two sermons from my pastor on a fb link. Thank the Lord for the internet and wifi!  Thank the Lord for my smart friends and peeps in recovery who set up these Zoom meetings.  It has really helped me a lot to connect with my people.  To be reminded of the basics of our recovery and the principals of the program that have me anchored in.  Like, love, service, letting go and letting God.  Like remembering Acceptance and Powerlessness.  But these meetings really help us to know that we are not alone. I received a call today from my grandson’s counselor and he is sitting up a zoom meeting for them on Thursday.  It’s such a great tool at this time.  We are all in this together.  #togetherwecan.

     Also, this past week has brought me to lean into another kind of Anchored.  My beautiful friend and sister in recovery that I have mentioned in past blogs passed this last Friday night. L   I know for a fact that she was anchored in  to love, faith, family, friends and her recovery big time!  She was such an awesome example of recovery.  Her high standards and values of honesty, work ethics, sharing, loving and tolerance were such a great example to us all and anchored in by her recovery.  She is held in high esteem by all who knew her. I believe that is the best tribute that anyone could achieve in this life.  Until we meet again my friend……

     I think the most important anchor I have at this time is my faith.  My recovery and my faith go hand in hand.  I thank God for NA and I thank NA for God.  However I came to it, my faith is my anchor in all things.  I have a life verse, a “go to” verse in times of fear and hardships especially.  Isaiah 41:10, Fear not, for I am with you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.   This verse fits perfect with a vision I had many years ago.  I had been working on my 11th step and practicing meditation when I had a vision of a baby, sitting in the palm of a big hand.  As I looked closer, I could see the back of the head of a person looking at the baby in the hand, then I realized, I was that person looking at the baby and… I was the baby.  So I was looking at me, looking at me in the hand of God.  Wow!  I don’t know about you, but for me this was mighty powerful.  That vision helped to anchor me.

     Other kinds of anchoring can include anything from what comforts you. What makes you feel safe, secure and well.  When I taught first grade, I had students that had ADHD so bad they could not sit still, ever!  I also had students with impulse issues and so a school psychologist told me regarding one of the students, to let them bring a stuffed animal or give them one to hold onto while sitting at their desk, it will help “anchor” them. They would stay seated for longer periods of time and be more able to focus on their work.  

    My husband is my biggest anchor of all.  We have been through everything together.  When I’ve wanted to fly off the planet and flip it, he kept me anchored.  He is my true north! I am blessed with a pretty calm and even-tempered husband I’ll tell you that! Other anchors for me are when I sit with my Bible on my lap, I feel anchored and secure. When I sit with my laptop on my lap (like now), I feel secure. When I sit with a grand baby on my lap, I feel secure and love. Generational Love.  When I sit with my journal on my lap, I feel secure.  When I go to bed and have my comfy quilt on me, I feel secure.  It was important for me to buy a car that I felt held the road well and was safe and secure.  When I’m in a meeting, I feel safe and secure (for now it’s Zoom meetings online), when I go to church, I feel secure. When I’m with friends & family, I feel secure.  I think we get the picture. 

     In this very unsecure and fearful time we need to look towards what does anchor us.  Find your “anchors” and lean into them.  I am praying for you. I am praying for us all and that this virus is stopped asap! That it quits taking lives!  I pray for you all to be able to weather this storm and keep your vessel (mind, body & spirit) in place for the duration of this lockdown. We are not alone, not even in isolation.  I found out yesterday that my husband and I, which will include the ten-year-old grandson, may have to stay anchored for twelve more weeks! Oy vey! Lord help us.  #togetherwecan.

Question of the week:  What are your anchors and why?   

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