
Pride, May 17, 2020

     My mom told me she was proud of me, the Bible tells me that pride comes before the fall, people flaunt their stuff “proudly”. Countries, teams, graduates, parents, grandparents all brag proudly.  My sister told me that it was not ok to be prideful, yet, we can take pride in something we accomplished.  Hummm, I’ve been pretty confused about this for a long time.  I tell my kids, grandkids and friends that I am proud of them for their accomplishments, and you know what?  I am.

     In the biblical terms it is in regards to people taking credit for God’s generosity instead of being humble and thankful for the gifts he laid on them.  I get it. I realize that many people, and I’ve been that person, who begged for something and then when I got it, I was like “it’s about time”, or “I told you so” or something equally arrogant. 

     The reason I am bringing this up right now is because I have a daughter, a granddaughter and good friend that finished educational milestones this month along with a million other people who do not get to “walk” for their graduation.  Considering all that’s going on, it’s not the worse thing right now, but they were cheated out of an honorary celebration after all their hard work.   

     I am indeed proud of them, very much so.  I’m proud of my sponsees that keep getting chips and cakes and another day and another day.  I’m proud of them when they give back and help those coming after them.  I’m proud of my little grandson for doing ok through this Pandemic with us. I’m proud of America for flattening the curve.  I’m proud of the 12 steps programs that started putting meetings on zoom and reaching out to each other—globally!  Two of my sponsees and myself have had the honor to speak at meetings in Ireland.  That’s amazing!  I am so proud of all the mommy’s and daddy’s who have been stuck at home, probably out of work for the time, helping their children to cope and continue on in their education. 

     I am especially proud of our frontline workers; I know a couple of them and they are amazing.  I’m proud of the scientist and doctors working hard to develop a vaccine. But as far as me taking pride in own personal accomplishments, that’s a different story.  As I said, I did hear my mom tell me she was proud of me and that was cool, but I have a hard time accepting that from other people.  The first thing I think is “but I didn’t do it… not all on my own, not by myself”.  First and foremost, my God has been with me every step of the way since (well, even before) my recovery began thirty-five years ago.  Then, there’s my predecessors that cleared the path and showed me the way. Then there’s my husband, mentors, sponsor, family and friends, teachers, co-workers… the list goes on and on of the people I can and do give much credit for any type of success I may have accomplished.

     So, if my accomplishments are not mine alone, then my pride in myself is futile, is misplaced and self-centered.  Which is a defect I struggle with anyway.  I need to be careful about that and not let any kind of self-pride take over and make me think I’m all that.  That’s quite laughable even as I sit here and say it.  I could write a book on how supportive and helpful my husband has always been of me.  And I’m not just saying that because he edits all my blogs, lol.  He really is and he is not judgmental about it either.  I value his opinion highly and I watch and learn from him constantly.  No, he is not perfect, just for me though.

     I guess then it’s ok for me to be proud of others, especially my husband, kids’, family and friends, but just don’t get too swollen up with self-pride.  Acknowledge the ones who came before us and the ones who walk along beside us as support and guides.  Most important, staying humble is my quest and having humility.  For me the humility I speak of is personal and towards my God.  I sometimes struggle with being too out spoken and opinionated, I need to watch that.  Because in real life, I do know from whence my help (gifts & blessings) comes.

Question of the Week:  Are you prideful or humble? Maybe we mix it up at times? 

Who or what are you proud of? 

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Monica

    Oh, goodness, I struggle with this as well, I have a tendency of being to prideful I think. I try my best to guard against it. I see others humility and I think why cant I be like that, am I spoiled. Don’t ask lance he will say Yes. I am asking for wisdom on this prideful thing.

    1. admin

      Monica, that is something that only you can answer, but the fact that you are thinking about it at all is the first step towards humility. I think surrendering to God might be a great start.

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