Daily Inventory, AKA 10th Step

June 8, 2020,

     There’s something about what’s going on in the world right now that has caused me to want to take stock of myself, to check in on my recovery and make sure I’m on the right track.  Everything feels a bit out of sorts in the world, the whole world and my close personal world.   It was time to do a thorough check on the state of my emotional condition, perhaps you too?

      As soon as I started my tenth step it pulled my covers from the first paragraph and onto the last. I really liked the opening sentence in the NA Step Working Guides. It states “Recovery has a Price: Vigilance”.  So yep, there you have it, this is a daily reprieve and if we want to stay, if we want to grow, we must tend to our recovery daily. Once you have done all twelve steps thoroughly, then it’s important to stay on the maintenance steps (of whatever program you are in). That would be ten, eleven and twelve.  Ten is a daily thing, usually at the end of the day we look back on the day and see how it went and if we might owe an amends or had any other issues we will need to deal with. 

     Step ten also helps us look at how we are feeling internally, emotionally, spiritually and physically.  I might add financially and with our responsibilities and relationships.  That of course is a primary subject in nearly every step, certainly this one too.   

     Don’t worry, I’m not gonna go over my tenth step here, but it was very eye and heart opening for me. It helped me bring somethings into perspective, especially it brought me into perspective!  When we sit down with a paper and pen and take a good, hard, honest look at ourselves we might be surprised at what we find.  We might find we are doing better than we thought we were and find we are right on track in all areas (emotional, spiritual, physical, financial and relationships- parenting) or maybe most areas.  

     Or, you may find you just need a little tune-up in a few areas.  Like, call and make that doctors appointment, you know, the ones we couldn’t make during the pandemic.  Or maybe we need to make a call to a friend or relative we haven’t had time for in a while.  Maybe now with things opening up we can take the kids out somewhere, (we’re going to the drive-in this week- 😊). Maybe we need to re-do our budget or diet or whatever it is, just take care of yourself and your family.

     If you are not a twelve stepper you can still do a personal inventory.  Just get that paper and pen and sit in a quiet spot, I usually say a little prayer for insight and honesty first, then just start writing.  Put Relationships at the top and think of the people in your life, are all your relationships in tact?  If not, then with whom is there an issue?  What do you want to do about it if you are having issues with someone? Then think of things like work, home, money, dreams, goals, creativity or anything that you to pay attention to. 

      Then don’t forget to write about the good stuff too.  Write about what’s going right and well for you and how you are doing.  Especially considering we’ve all been in lock downs, curfews, angry and extremely concerned about the state of affairs in our world. That’s why this is a great time to take stock of our own self. There has been a whole lot to cause us to look outside of ourselves, we can easily lose sight of ourselves and our own beliefs in all hub-bub.

     I know that having your kids 24/7 right under foot is also is another huge distraction that takes your focus off of you. Which is good and bad. I’ve been grateful for our grandson during these times. His sweet and mischievous ten-year-old self demands a lot of attention and therefore I don’t have a lot of time to sit around and dwell on the worst of times or on my own aches and pains, and problems. He keeps me moving, thinking and planning. Which is a good thing! Kids are the best at keeping us out of ourselves. However, right now, I’m asking that you take time to take the focus off of the kids and others for an hour or two and take stock of yourself. 

     Don’t hesitate to write your fears, concerns and hope for the future.  What has most been upsetting and what most gives you happiness.  Take time to think about what you believe, not what you’ve heard from others, (or the media) but what is in YOUR heart of hearts?  Search your soul, your beliefs and your mind.  It’s like paying your own self a visit! 😊

Question of the Week:  Have you taken stock of you lately?  Are you ready?

Please share your thoughts on this. 

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