
Enough Is Enough | TAPinto

September 7th, 2020,      

Enough!  (this is a triple meaning blog)

     OK, you caught me! I’m guilty.  I am guilty of having more than I need.  I am guilty of buying five white blouses, twenty different colors of flip flops, and now, too much toilet paper!

     I know that I’ve been droning on about cleaning our back yard and sheds these past five months now and we’re not done yet! Man, do we have a lot of stuff and guess what, it’s not just me. My husband has scores of screw drivers, wrenches, fishing poles and on and on.  Stuff? We got stuff! We are overly blessed in the stuff department. 

     And now, it’s time to pay the piper, we’ve been purging and cleaning since April! And we still have at least six weeks to go. That is the deadline we gave ourselves. There has to be an end to this. 

     So, as I’m out back working on my “stuff”, going through my hundreds of books and pencils (I taught first grade), I think to myself, when is enough enough? I can see the gluttony of it all. Why do I have so much? And why do I have so much of the same things?

     Well, for one thing, in my defense, I kept forgetting that I already had bought a white blouse.  How crazy is that? I have always been super busy and I forget where I put things and sometimes I knew, but I didn’t want to dig through a bunch of “stuff” to find it.  Hence, I’ll just buy another one.  I’m not sure what my husbands’ story is about that, you’ll have to ask him, maybe I can get him to comment on this blog about it. 😊

     But this whole “enough is enough” deal brought to think of a good friend is going through a separation and how painful it is for her. I love her dearly and hate to see her pain, but I know that she is feeling “enough is enough” also. 

     I personally am also feeling that way with some of my “friends”, I’m using the term loosely right now.  I see how people can so easily discard others as if they had never had a close relationship.  I’ve stood back and watched it done to people I love and I’ve had it done to me and God forbid if I’ve done it to others.  But I have to think about that. 

     I have indeed let some “relationships” go that were not healthy for me or had turned sour in some kind of way or another.  I will work at a relationship as long as I believe we are both in it and care about each other, but I will not continue to try to gain the love and attention of people who really don’t care about me.  Cut my losses and get out! And other times, people just drift in and out of your life, they turn in other directions and interests. 

     My BFF tells me I have an “eraser” in metaphorically kind of way.  I think this is an old survival technique for me due to all the heartbreak and pain of growing up and losing people right and left all my life.  Plus, I finally realized in my recovery that I do not have to put up with abuse just to keep a “friend”. 

     Enough is enough! I have to let go of four of those white blouses, tons of books and pencils, and people who have a tendency to bring me down or cause suspicion in me.  I am indeed suspicious by nature, I own that, another result of a life lived with insecurity and mistrust, especially in addiction.  But my suspicions are usually right.  I do wait and give the benefit of the doubt, but time will tell of people’s true motives and nature.

     I just want to be ok with what I have, the “stuff” and the people that God has laid on me. I want to share and give my abundance away to people who need it.  I am downsizing. Actually, I’m embarrassed of how much I have, especially the duplicate stuff.

     So here I am this Labor Day, laboring with all this “stuff” and abundance, feeling grateful for all God has given me, I want for nothing.  I’m so grateful for real and true friends, I don’t have many, but a couple is “enough”.  I have many acquaintances and plenty of family. God’s been so good to me. All I had to do was surrender and say “enough is enough” Lord, please help me get clean and then all the rest has come to me as I worked a program and followed God. 😊

     I love the poem about I wish you enough, so here it is.  I wish you all enough.  No more gluttony for me, it’s time to cut back in all areas of my life.  I pray this prayer for you all …

Question of the Week:     Have you had enough? Do you have enough?  Does anything need to change to bring that balance about?

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Debbie

    But, is there ever enough time?

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