
November 16, 2020

How to make Difficult Decisions – Life Lessons


     Oy vey, there is so much going on and so many decisions to be made by so many.  As I write this, we still don’t know for sure who the next president of the USA will be.  Even though we all went and made our decision by casting our vote.  The Covid19 seems to be on the rise again and government in many states, especially mine, are calling for full on lockdown again and asking people not to spend Thanksgiving with their families. 

     There are many people and businesses having to decide what to do about their jobs and income. Schools are trying to decide if they should let kids go back to school, even a couple days a week.  Are we getting use to this isolating, sad way of life? We’re disconnected from family, friends, work, school. And way too much time on TV and news that is making us crazy!

     There is so much right now to think about and decide.  These things are just the worldly issues.  There are also your personal issues, should I get married? Should I go back to school? Should I share custody with the other parent? Should I change my idea of where I want to work so that I can get a job? Should I try to find someone who can help my kids with online schooling?  How do I continue my recovery process without live meetings to go to? How do I find a sponsor if I can’t go to meetings?

     So many decisions to be made.  What do I stand for? What do I want in life? What do I want, just for the day?  We need to also make decisions about our health and wellness.  And the big one, our faith!  What indeed do I stand for? Who am I in this world and what will my life mean?

     I believe the biggest decision I made in my whole life was to get clean.  To quit drinking and using drugs. To change my life and live by Spiritual standards and God’s word.  This decision was just the beginning of a long string of good decisions, but this one had to come first.  Following that decision was the decision to get married to the love of my life, a decision I am still overjoyed with.  The decision to be a better parent, this took a lot of other decision within the decision.  The decision to follow God and practice my faith, this is really the greatest decision of all.  The decision to take better care of myself, i.e., quitting smoking and eating better and exercise and going to doctors for check-ups.  The decision to go back to school and seek a better life. This list goes on and on. 

How To Improve Decision-Making Despite Anxiety | HealthyPlace

     This week we have some travel decisions to make regarding going to meet up and get our little boy.  I miss him so much, but this is a delicate balance of traveling while the virus is on the rise, verses how to get him back home safely.

     In a couple of weeks, I will write a follow up to this blog, as most all of the decisions that are up in the air right now will have been, or should have been resolved by then. It’s not always easy to sit on your hands and wait, but experience has shown me that… it’ll all work out.  Or as a friend of mine use to say, “it’ll all come out in the wash”, lol.

      Meanwhile, I pray that as you also make your personal decisions of life and daily living issues with careful thought and prayer.

Question of the Week:   What decisions do you need to make regarding your life?  Your day? Your immediate future?

quotes about decision making - Google Search … | Decision quotes, Choices  quotes, Hard decision quotes

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Monica

    Such a timely piece. I am having the blessing of making choices and decisions today as well. Putting on the grown up hat is tricky at first. Because there was a time when my choices were few. Today I can choose a mate to spend the rest of my life with. I don’t have to make that choice based on who got me pregnant. lol that made me laugh. I have the decision to make about my education. I am looking forward to continuing it. I am stepping out on courage and faith. those are also decisions that i have made and commited to that are uncomfortable for someone whose used to somebody else making all her choices. I love this new blessed life and will remember to pray before a decision. Love this

    1. admin

      Love you Monica

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