My Friends Visit


My Blog for June 28th, 2021

     Well, it’s Junemas and that’s for sure.  Almost done with June and it’s been very busy.  I had my BFF come and visit for about a week and half, her b day is also in June!  She and I go back about 40 years, yep, that’s longer than I’ve been clean.  We did use together. One of my connections was a really good friend of hers.  Eventually I got clean and not too long after she came around to some meetings too.  We’ve hung pretty tight since then.  Together we have 71 years clean. 😊

     In the time I’ve known her, we’ve lost a lot of friends and relatives, our sons were pretty good friends and hung out too, but they started picking up where we left off, no bueno.  Boy, have they taken us for a ride! We’ve been though jobs, school, illnesses, heartbreak, other relationships, European vacation and East Coast. Not to mention Kuai.  Our husbands have been fishing buddies and sponsor/sponsee and have their own relationship.

Me & My BFF in Frankfurt Germany Village

     We’ve both lost everything and we’ve both been given plenty.  We have changed our political parties and view since we met and we’re still good friends. We share the same faith and call each other with prayer requests almost daily. We pray for our kids, health, family and friends as well as the state of affairs in the world.  Sometimes we’ve prayed for our jobs or just not to slug a co-worker. We have served on committees together and worked for community programs that help people who want recovery. 

     While she was here with me, we hit a couple of meetings, visited a couple of old friends went through about two million photos of mine.  She helped me put them in binders.  Also, while she was here, there was a bad heat wave that almost took us all out! It was horrible. Plus, she was suffering from stomach issues and fibromyalgia and other health issues. Yet, she hung in there and kept trying to help me. True friends are a gift from God.

     But through it all, she remains a true and real friend. Loyal to the end.  Even though she was miserable and hurting and so tired from lack of sleep due to our heat. Plus, she was missing her husband – I thought it was so cute the way she’d go in her room and lay on the bed and talk to him every night for an hour or more, I told her she was talking to her boyfriend, lol, like in high school.

     It is only through God, the program and a life time of recovery together that we have remained friends through thick and thin.   Having a life time loyal friendship is just one more of the gifts of recovery. One of the very best gifts.  Someone who knows all about me and likes me anyway.  Someone who knows all my secrets, fears, likes and dislikes, someone who has shared more experiences with me than I can count.  I could write a book on that alone.

     Thank-you for coming my dear friend and helping with the photo’s and hanging out with me.  Although we are older and the heat got to us, we still plugged on and did what we could do.  Your love and concern for me in my life are an ongoing, beautiful gift. What a gift to have a life time friend like Karen.  I thank you and love you forever.

A friend in recovery is a friend indeed!

Recovery is awesome and God is great.

Question of the Week:  Do you have or had a loyal friend?

We'll Be Friends Until We're Old And Senile Then image 0

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