What a Trip!

Blog for September 6th 2021

What a Trip!

2020 What A Year – The Best Of ROAD TRIP'N – In Review – ROAD TRIP'N

     And I mean that in several different ways.  As I said last week, I was on a getaway with two of my beautiful sponsees. Beautiful inside and out.  What an awesome time we had in such awesome part of our country,(USA).  As we brought our time together to a close, we were feeling bittersweet about it, of course we wanted to get back home and see our peeps.  But we also knew that this special time we were relishing was coming to an end and we would miss it. We would miss each other, and miss a time shared where we lived in a judgment free zone, no big worries, no big deals, just enjoying us and the nature around us, what a trip! A real live beautiful trip!

     We had a layover in Chicago again, and as we touched down, I turned on my phone and there were some messages.  My daughter has Covid, my grandson is in quarantine and he’s home with my husband. This is what I dreaded.  My fears quickly escalated. And boom, just like that, the sweet retreat was already in the past. Welcome back to reality Booma! With a side of fear served up. OMG, What a trip fear is, it can own us in no time!

     There we were in the busiest airport in the world, twenty million people all shoulder to shoulder! Ugh! I was freak’n out.  My friends said to give it to God, but I was still texting and calling and barking orders to my husband and grandson about not touching each other or stuff and wiping everything down with all them Clorox wipes I buy. Powerlessness two thousand miles from home, I was indeed trip’n, oh wow, what a trip!

Women Totally Trip'n Hoodie | Totally Trip'n

    Flight times had been changed and we got in very late that night, or actually early morning.  It was good to be home, but scary. I felt I was walking into a Covid infested germ house.  But it was ok, I had to be here with them. I know that I already have a crazy loyalty thing built into me even before I got clean, it’s been a part of me all my life. To stick with the people I love no matter what.  No matter the germs, no matter the pain, no matter hurt, no matter the cost.  Always running into a burning building. Like a crazy girl.  What a trip I am!

     On the flight home, I read a lot of pages out of a little booklet called “Daily Bread”, I journaled and prayed for trust.  By the time we landed, I was relaxed, in fact, I even fell asleep for about twenty minutes on the flight I was so chill, trusting God to the umpth. Just like I was taught in the program. I was practicing my First, Second and Third Step in unison. So, when I got home, it wasn’t just running into a burning building, it was running into my house of love, loyalty and commitment. In sickness and health, remember that?  What a trip love is.

Trusting God in Difficult Times - Busy Blessed Women

     The couple of days that followed I spent looking for Covid tests and trying to find out about my boy’s quarantine rules.  My daughter’s friend ended up kick’n one of them test down to me, because everywhere was sold out; lots of cases around here right now.  I have to know if he’s positive so we know how to handle things with my husband, due to his COPD and all that. He was negative that night, yea! What a trip trusting God is!

     But it’s not over, we have to wait like ten days, I guess. Ugh! Meanwhile, I too started having some symptoms. No Bueno, but I’m ok.  Still, here I am, trusting, I gave it all to God and that’s that.  I did talk to my cousin yesterday; her husband died the other day from Covid.  We talked a long time, it is so sad, but she has a strong faith, it will guide her through her loss and pain.  She gave me a lot of Covid advice. She has had it also, in fact, they both had it twice.  So sad, all the pain they have been through. They do not believe in the vaccinations and that is their right, I will defend their right not to take the vaccine.  But we did, as soon as we could. That’s why my husband has stayed pretty chill about this whole thing. What a trip Covid is, and who it attacks is!  

     I want you all to know that I am not judging who does and who doesn’t get the vaccine. Or especially judging if they had faith through their horrible Covid experiences and losing their loved ones.  I happen to know my friend (that I spent nearly three hours on the pone with yesterday) and my cousin (I spent over an hour with her the day before that) have great faith! They are all beautiful people and trust God completely.  I cannot figure out the “why” of this Covid madness, I just know that it a horrible madness.  It is not a good trip in any way.

     Once again, the bottom line here is, the steps work, my Higher Power rocks and using the spiritual principals from the program: like faith, trust, powerlessness recognized, letting go and letting God and letting love prevail – works! What a trip recovery is! A good trip!

  • Pleas stay well and safe everyone.  We must be vigilant. Because we want to take more trips! I still have bucket list stuff to do, next stop… Northern Lights & Scotland! 😊 Now those will be trips for sure!

Question of the Week:  What are you trip’n on right now?

May be an image of 3 people, including Monica Sheppard and body of water
Our last goodbye to this incredible, very superior Lake and this Road Trip! I love these two ladies so much. Precious times.

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