
Blog for August 1st, 2022

      I’m not sure where to start, today is the day that our grandson moves in with his sister. The end of an era here. There are many changes afoot.  Him moving out and moving on is the biggest one.  I have tried to reverse my mindset and think of these I can do moving forward.

     Also, this week, my daughter got great news that she has passed all the testing for her teacher’s credentials. I am so proud of her.  I went and got her twins and took them with our boy to the trampoline park and pizza place. They all had a good time, it’s been a good send off for the boy, plus movies with his friend. And one more swim party with his youth group from the church.

      His dad has come for him several nights in a row. But now he is not doing so good, I am worried about his health.  When people get clean, they tend to gain weight. I pray he gets fit and well.  I pray I get fit and well! I too have gained too much weight. If he and I get fit, that would be a wonderful change for sure. The Serenity Prayer helps, “the Courage to CHANGE the things I can”. My eating habits, spending habits, where I go and what I do, what I say.

      Today I watched Charles Stanley (I highly recommend him) about God’s will for our life and knowing what His purpose is for us.  In the program, we have the eleventh step for that.  “Praying for the knowledge of His will for us, and the power to carry it out”.  It was a great sermon, so I wrote about it in my journal. Knowing God’s purpose for your life can be life changing. It will give you focus and purpose, plus a peace of mind to do it.

     I found that I do know some of the purposes God has bestowed upon me in my life.  Being a wife and mother, grandmother, sister, aunt, friend, sponsor, teacher, encourager.  And to write. I like to write to encourage people in and to recovery.  I tell bits and pieces of my life to make it relatable to recovery and todays’ world.

    I have always strived to do God’s will: At home, Work, Program, Family, Friends, Life. To carry the message of Hope and Love.  I can only pray that I have been doing it according to His will. I know I fall short, a lot!

    Hope & Love are something that all the steps have brought to me throughout the years.  As I said, a lot of changes are coming into play.  I hear of many people I know moving, changing states, jobs, and the direction of their lives. I wish them all well.

     The next day or two are going to be a challenge for me and I intend to use my God, my steps, and writing as we travel the open road to sort through a lifetime of feelings once again. So that I may continue to know His will and purpose for my life. Lot’s of changes to come.

Question of the Week:  Do you have any changes coming up in your life? Are you happy, sad, excited, apprehensive about it?

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