
GaiaTeach – “Gaia's 'Shedding Skin Energies' & the Earth Changes – A  Teaching on Snake Medicine and the New World Being Born Now” – Webcast  Available to Purchase – Messages from Mother (TM)

Blog for August 22, 2022

Shedding (Out with the old, in with the new)

     Been a very busy morning so this is a couple hours late. We got home three days ago and there’s been a lot to do.  There was a bad storm while we were gone and my neighbor brought it to my attention that the tree on her side of our house had split in to and fell partly in her yard, on our fence and roof.  My son has helped us deal with that issue.  He brought some workers and one of them had been in my first-grade class, like sixteen years ago.  And I do remember him, sweet kid.

     Meanwhile, we got home, just my husband and me.  No grandson and it is different here without him and I do miss him. But I’ve heard such good reports about how well he’s doing so I am happy about that. I am feeling ok about this decision and new life.  For him and for us. I am grateful for the time God allowed us to have him and care for him, I will always cherish him and all our memories together. But now, the tide has turned, and I feel like I have been “shedding” off some old skin and getting ready for new skin.

     The tree even “shed” off from itself. I am “shedding” some items and clothes and I hope weight now that we are back home and I’m ready to remodel parts of our house and get in shape.  There will be plenty of shedding around here, making things lighter, myself included. If dogs, cats, snakes and caterpillars can shed, then why can’t we? We too need a new look, a new outlook from time to time.

     I had breakfast with a friend this morning that I worked with for twenty-two years, she was my work friend, I have become very fond of her and now she has retired and is moving back east to her people. I will miss her, but I cherish my time with her over the years. We didn’t just work together, we went on trips, dinners, shopping for teacher supplies, movies, hiking, concerts, weight loss programs, bible studies and quiet evenings at my house talking about the Lord and work and life.  She and I have “shed” our old job and now she is “shedding” herself of her home here and our ability to hang out.

Out with the old, in with the new.

    I feel like I have “shed” so many people, the letting go of and changing relationships.  I spent my trip “shedding” thoughts and feelings that no longer serve me, feelings and ideas that keep me down.  It is time to “shed” off those negative or harmful notions and move on to thoughts that are more productive and kinder for me.  If I’m not good to me, who will be? I must reset my thinking and how I view things.

     Like for instance, instead of saying “oh, I miss our boy and I’m so sad he’s gone”, I say “I’m so grateful for the time we had him and I’m so happy he is in a good place and doing so well.  I am also excited about my husband and I getting to spend our late years together enjoying each other.

     Now that we have “shed” the responsibility of taking care of a child, I can focus on programs and things I’ve always wanted to do. Like finish my book and work on my pictures. Yesterday we went out to my daughters and had a good visit with her and her cute family, which includes my two great grandsons. It was a wonderful visit.  I am thankful for these times, for them and for everything. 

     I have much to do here and I feel like my life is starting a new chapter that I am excited about.  I will “shed” my old ways of always taking care of kids and put on a new skin that allows me to do what encourages me and helps me along the way.

     It’s ok to “shed” and to put on new fresh skin, I think I’ve done it from time to time throughout my life and certainly in my recovery. All I know is, that I will trust God to lead and guide me through this new skin era. I will also consider my recovery, work my steps and stay close to my friends in recovery as I grow and change, yet one more time. 

Question of the Week:  Do you need to “shed” off any old negative ideas, people, things, weight? Anything?

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