Dog Days & Blessings

Blog for September 5th, 2022

Dog Days and Blessings

      First, happy Labor Day, I hope you all have the day off and get to do whatever it is you like to do on these days. Hats off to all the hard-working Americans that keep this country afloat. For us, in the Western United States we are in the middle of a two weeklong heat wave and the Dog Days of summer are upon us for sure.

     I came across a flier on Facebook about an NA event in the local mountains, so that’s where we are headed. It will be a relief to be out of this heat for a bit and be with my like-minded people. A picnic on the lake with them sounds like a wonderful thing to do right now.

     I got to go off for a few days last Sunday as well with my awesome grandson and his cute family. They took me to the beach for three days. It was a beautiful place and so much cooler than here. I was blessed by them and retreat they gave me.  My two great grandsons are so adorable and sweet. I am indeed blessed beyond measure.

     Then, starting tomorrow, I will have to hunker down and get my house and me ready to be gone for a week and a half. First, my granddaughter is getting married up in the high mountains, several hours away, but much much cooler for sure.  I am again blessed to be a part of a grand child’s life and celebrations. I adore the man she is marrying; I pray for their life together. I will also get to see our sweet little grandson that we haven’t seen since he left us and went to live with them. I am as excited about seeing him as I am about going to her wedding.

Just looking at this makes me feel cooler

    Since the wedding is early in the morning in the mountains and my husband cannot be at that elevation, I have secured a place for my husband to stay in lowlands and that too is a blessing. He has been struggling with his COPD issues and cannot go all the way up into the mountains with us. When we get back from that event, I will grab my bags and head out to the airport where a sponsee and I will be

flying across country and then heading for an NA convention in Houston where another sponsee lives.  Another blessing.

     It may be the dog days of summer and my house is hot and I can’t really function well in this heat, but I have so many ways to beat the heat and be filled with blessings. The love of family, friends and the fellowship will be at the heart of it.  

     Meanwhile, I am in prayer for them all, especially my sister who is showing signs of late stage one dementia, like my other sister did.  She called and left a very mean message to me and it is sad, but I am not mad. I know that it is her new disease, I hate dementia and Alzheimer’s more than cancer or any other life-threatening disease. 

     My sponsee going with me on the trip back east has MS and she is in a flare up right now and cannot form her words and speech, I am in prayer for her as well.  I’m telling you these things just to say, life is not perfect, and I never intend to make it sound that way.  I worry about my husband daily. The world seems in a shambles to me and people I love are battling some kind of pain constantly. But through it all, through everything, I am grateful to my God, wherein lies my strength and hope.

     I am very grateful for my recovery and love that surrounds me. So I will focus on these things. Focus on what can I do to make things better and continue on path of faith, love and recovery, no matter what.

    With that said, I am going to get ready to head to that nearby mountain for a day of coolness, fun, recovery and fellowship, I’m praying the same for you. God Bless you all.

Question of the Week:  How do you plan to beat the heat in these Dog Days of summer and maintain your recovery? 

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