It Don’t Come Easy

Blog for November 14th, 2022

     They say nothing worth having comes easy, I would concur with that.  Recovery takes a lot of work that’s for sure too. Also parenting, grandparenting, marriage, working a job to pay rent and keep food on the table and keeping a nice house. Then there’s eating right, exercising, growing and learning in my faith and in my life. This all takes effort, thought and hard work.   Nothing I’ve ever achieved or have has come easy for me. I’ve had to work hard for it, every bit of the way. 

     Working towards my goals and heart desires I’ve had to sacrifice, do without, miss out and learn to wait until I was all done with my responsibilities before going out to play.  Lol.  I have had many failures in order to find some success. 

     Sometimes, I thought I was in God’s will taking a certain job and doing certain things, only to find out that I was totally in the wrong place, and this just wasn’t going to work out.  I would re-examine myself to see what I was doing wrong. Because I prayed, “Lord, please don’t let me get this job if it’s not your will”.  All I can figure is that God must have had a lesson in mind for me to learn, because some jobs I had were so awful I couldn’t figure out why God would want me there.  I guess I was learning what I didn’t want and how a bad boss behaves so I’d know a good one whenever I got one.   It sure wasn’t easy learning all my lessons and growing up to be who I was meant to be.

     Even though I am saying that jobs, parenting, life and so on does not come easy, you have to keep trying and working on it, I am also not saying that it isn’t worth it. It may not be easy to raise your kids to be good, respectable, upstanding members of society, but it sure is worth it once they get there.  When I hear my grown kids say how much they detest the violence in our country and that they wish everyone could have a good life, then I know that the struggles of teaching them right from wrong was worth it.

     Freedom is probably the most important thing we have going for us, but it did not come easy.  This past weekend was Veterans Day, we honor the men and women who have fought, worked, died for our freedom.  I also had to work at self-freedom, by working a program and staying clean.

     When I get a paycheck each month after working my butt off in a thankless job, then I know that it was worth it.  When I take another year clean and have sponsees who are changing their lives and tell me they want what I have, then I know it’s worth it.  When I pray to my God and He blesses me with His love and care, then I know I’m on the right path.  None of this comes so easy

, but its so worth it.

     Another Biggy for me is weight loss, oh boy, this is not so easy at all. It takes so much discipline and effort and stick-to-itiveness that I fail repeatedly.  Denying my desires does not come easy.  And I desire chocolate and carbs and just sitting around as opposed to working out and counting calories. But I know the end results will be a healthier me that can fit into my clothes better makes it all worth it.

     As much as I love my friends and family, it is not always easy to keep my mouth shut when I need to.  I need a break from them sometimes, just back off and mind my own business, which honestly, isn’t always easy. But the reward is, peace in the family and not having to make amends to them or my friends. I do not like to have to make amends, because, it isn’t easy.  

     Another thing that is not always easy- at least for me- is change.  When things switch up, I can get thrown off my game, my mojo has to be reset and that is not at all easy. But of course, I do that by working my steps and prayer. The reward is, finding a new way to do something, maybe it’s easier.  Or I find peace.  But there always seems to be a sacrifice for that peace, it isn’t always easy, is it?

     Sometimes I have to change my thinking, my attitude, my big ideas that are not fitting into the scheme of things in an easy and polite way.  I need to let go of what I thought was a great plan and back up and regroup. Accept someone else’s idea’s.  It isn’t always easy.  

     Stepping back, out of the way and letting things just play out and roll where they land is a very difficult thing for me.  Well, it used to be, I’m getting much better with standing back and letting others handle it.  I don’t want to do it all anymore.  I want others to step up and be a part of. Let other people make the heavy decision.  Being in change isn’t always easy.  The reward of letting others do it is that I do not personally have to suffer the consequences if it all goes sideways. Yay!

     No one ever said that this life, or recovery would be easy, but I know it’s sure worth it!

PS, now I have that Ringo Starr song in my head: You know it don’t come easy! Lol

Question of the Week:  What have you been dealing with that’s not so easy?

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