Just a Bit of Time

Blog for November 21st.

Just a Bit of Time

    I heard a speaker once talk about “coming up on a little time”, it was pretty humorous, as he intended it to be.  He was making fun of how some people will tell you how much time clean they are gonna have. For instance, if a person had like eighteen months they say, “I’m coming up on two years”.  People often like to claim more than they have.  Even last night I was talking to some old friends and they were asking about my husbands clean time, instead of saying thirty seven years, I said “he’ll have thirty eight years in six weeks.”  Lol I’m one of those people. After all this time, why do we still do this?

     Another fond memory I have regarding the measuring of time is when my sister Judy and I were in Ireland on a magical, wonderful trip.  During our time in Ireland, I had two flat tires. During the second one it was raining (of course) and we pulled over and got out to look at our tire.  Just then, a very nice man named Peter drove up and he changed our tire for us.  We talked to him the whole time, loved his accent.  When he was finishing up we tried to give him money for helping us. He would not take it, and in his distinct Irish brogue he said it didn’t cost him anything, “it was noth’n but a wee bit of time”.  We said, “where we come from, time is money.”  But he still wouldn’t take any money.

     What really has me thinking about time is the fact that lately- and often, I will text people, family and friends and they do not answer me for a long, long time -if ever. It is starting to make me feel some kind of way.  Like, unimportant to them.  They do not have time for me.   I’ve asked people to come over for a visit and even the retired and unemployed ones, don’t have the time. Or perhaps people are just getting more and more rude and disrespectful. Still, it’s kind of hurtful. 

     Taking time out for others is something I’ve strived to do in my life, to the very best of my ability. My husband and I often talk about how we go to visit friends and family in other states, going way out of our way to see them. We’ve been doing that for many years, even before we got clean.  Because we think relationships matter and it’s important and, we think, to see these people and touch base. But it is never really reciprocated. These people don’t come to see us, with the exception of one niece.  I know everybody has a reason, I get it, most of the time, but it still stings.

     As the holidays approach and I start thinking about gifts, the one I would like to have and give the most is time.  Time with kids and grandkids. Time with friends and family. Time to do things I/we like to do with the people that matter most.  Heck, I’d be happy if they’d just answer my text messages or do a zoom visit with me, maybe a phone call, you know, the kind with a real life in real time voice.

     It doesn’t take much time to reach out to people who matter to you.  Take the time, nuture your relationships, I will continue to reach out as well. 

Question of the Week: Do you answer texts in a timely manner? Do you spend time with grandparents (if you still have them) or Parents or other family outside of your home?

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