Blog for January 30th, 2023 A Lot Happens in a Day!

“A lot happens in a Day” Just for Today This is NA Fellowship-approved literature. Copyright © 1983 by Narcotics Anonymous World Services, Inc. All rights reserved.   

Last paragraph:  A lot happens in one day, both negative and positive. If we do not take time to appreciate both, perhaps we will miss something that will help us grow. Our principles for living will guide us in recovery when we use them. We find it necessary to continue to do so on a daily basis.   

A lot happens in a day, a week, a month, a year, a life!

     Another week of ups and downs, beginning with some very bad news. A beautiful lady that is so important to me, a sponsee, was diagnosed with breast cancer.  My wonderful, sweet sister-in-law spent the week in the hospital with pneumonia and I seem to have an infection that I cannot or will not get the remedy for, it cost way too much.

    That’s the bad news, the good news it, my sponsee is getting the help she needs and her spirits are high, because her belief in her God is strong and she works an excellent program of living in the solution, learning to stay out of her head and trusting God. 

     My sister-in-law went home last night and is doing much better. Thank the Lord, she is not as young as she once was, so it is scary for her to get sick like that. And my infection is staying at bay until I can call the doctor and get a more affordable medicine. 

    More wonderful news for the week, one of my awesome sponsee’s had twenty-three years this week and Sunday my sponsor had forty-seven years clean! Wow! Who stays clean that long?  She does, we do, addicts can and do recover. Not just for a few weeks, months or a couple of years, but for life!  I find all of these ladies amazing and fabulous. They give me inspiration, faith and hope.

     I also happen to know, as I’m sure you do too, that that kind of recovery doesn’t just happen.  Because in a span of forty-seven years, a whole heck of lot of life happens.  Kids are born, kids die, her husband passed away, as well as many good friends. Other friends and people come and go, jobs come and go. Health and well-being have been compromised. Life has a ton of heartaches and joyous times as well.

     We travel, we share with each other, work steps together, share our fears and pains. We get guidance for some of our difficult circumstances and hard decisions we have to make. Sharing our experiences, strength and hope is what we do.  We encourage one another along life’s paths.   Life isn’t always easy, but it’s nice to know we have support when we need it. 

     To top off the week I got to take my sponsor out to lunch and meet up with my sponsee for the first time ever.  We met on zoom a couple of years ago during lockdown times.  Over the course of time, we starting developing a friendship and a bond. She has been a joy to get to know and now that I sponsor her and we work through the steps that bond is growing deeper and stronger.

    There may be trouble and turmoil around us, but as far as me and my program, I continue to live a day at a time and do what is in front of me to do, trying to do God’s will in my life. I continue to work my steps and attend meetings. Because life is indeed full of ups and downs.  I just hope we all can have more up days than the down.

Question of the Week:  A lot does happen in a week, in a life. How are your ups and downs going?

I thought this was cute since Valentine’s Day is coming up.

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