
Blog for February 20th, 2023


     What a very strange world we live in. The contradictions are so numerous. Even the environments of the earth are so vastly different, it’s hard to believe they are all on the same planet.  From the oceans, mountains, deserts to valleys and flatlands. People are full of contradictions too, I know I am. There is no one thing that defines me. We are all made up of different parts, thoughts, attitudes and desires.

     In our program we have many contradictions, like “easy does it- but do it”, “you can only keep what you have by giving it away”, “this is a selfish program, but help others” “service keeps you clean”, “surrender to win”, “we die to live”, “there is power in powerlessness”.  “One is too many and a thousand is never enough”, “if you find a path without any obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere”.

     And as an added bonus: “The more things change, the more they remain the same.” “All good things come to those who wait”, but..”all good things must come to an end”.  “If you want something, get up and work for it”.  I’m sure you can think of other quotes that are either contradictory or oxymorons.  But the funny thing is, we get it.  They do make sense in their own crazy way.

I don’t know about you, but I – personally have contradicted myself in ways that I should have never done. It’s embarrassing. Even if I’m the only one who catches me at it, it’s embarrassing to myself.  My kids are great at catching me in a contradiction, their like “but I thought you said this stuff is bad for you and there you are eating it!”  lol. Or something like that. It’s really bad when they catch you in a lie and you try to explain it away that sometimes adults have to tell little white lies to keep the peace with others.  Like, “oh I love your new hair cut” when your kids or spouse just heard you said what a hideious hair-cut it is somewhere else. 

     So, is contradicting really lying? Maybe. Yes, no, I don’t know.  Is it? You tell me. I know it can be a set up for a lot of damage if we’re not careful. Most of the time I can honestly say I do not mean to contradict myself, but just like the program saying of “you can only keep what you have by giving it away”, we’re not trying to send conflicting messages, we’re just trying to point out a stronger message.  My husband suggests that maybe the recovery slogans are more of a paradox than a contradiction, so, maybe that’s what I am too, a paradox.

     I just take them all in stride, but I do think on them and try to examine their true and deeper meanings. I have also decided that it’s ok if I’m a contradiction unto myself.  I mean that if I am trying to be one way (cool, calm and collected) but come off a different way at different times, like at a rock concert (which I love to go to) and jump up and down and whoop and holler then does that mean I can’t be cool, calm and collected ever again? Certainly not. I know a lot of people who say they are one thing and then they do something totally opposite from that.  Just like me at the rock concerts!

   I think the most important thing to remember is “to thine own self be true”.  As long as you are true to you and your Higher Power and you’re doing your best to stick to your own convictions, then let your contradictions roll in, after all, I mean, even Jesus had many sides to Him. He was known for his love and gentleness, but then there’s the whole marketplace thing where he turned over tables and yelled at them, “you den of vipers”. I think there are certain situations that may call for a different side of us at any given moment, does that make us a contradiction? I think not.

Question of the Week: Do you ever see yourself as a contradiction? To yourself or your convictions?

This is a good one!

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