Faith over Fear

Blog for February 27th, 2023

 Faith over Fear

     Some days it’s so easy to keep my faith. On those days I am at peace, and even if everything is not going all that well I know it will be alright anyway. I can even feel God in control.  Then there are days when a slice of fear worms it’s ugly way into my head and faith begins to take a back seat.

     Usually, it happens without much notice at first. It can start with a piece of bad news about a friend or distant relative. Or with the news of one of my kids or grandkids struggling with something. Sometimes fears can creep in when I go to the doctors with my husband. Or when I go for myself.

     Fear is sneaky, especially if you’re doing daily and regular things to ward it off. Like praying, going to meetings, reading meditations, writing, talking to friends who care (like my husband). So it’s not really all that noticeable for a while, until the fear has gained a strong hold on your thoughts and grabbed you by the throat.

     That’s when, there is no more denying, no more hiding, no more pretending.  At that point I realize I am losing the battle. The battle between fear and faith. I guess I was trying to hold on to some idea that I still had control over the whole situation. That’s actually funny isn’t it.

Sometimes I get calls or text messages from friends, sponsees, relatives and others who are losing the battle of faith over fear and their worries and problems are consuming them. I pray with them and for them and try to help them anyway I can.

     When I realize that my trying to control the situation and fix it all on my own isn’t working, then that’s when I drop to my knees and give it all up. I tell the evil one to get behind me and I look to my God for guidance, comfort and assurance. The one thing I don’t do is use!  I’m not gonna lie and say I don’t think of it. I do.  When I am in that kind of fear that has me all bunged up, I think to myself, “I know how to get rid of these feelings”.  One thought leads to another and then I say “wooeeee, slow down L’l pony, enough of that stink’n think’n” as we use to call it back in the day.

     The thing is, I have been through this stuff enough times to know that I can’t get out of this alone.  Besides God, I need my Love aka, my husband.  I need my sponsor, my best friend and people in meetings, I am not shy about asking for prayer. Because I know it works.

     Then, before I know it, slowly, but surely I start to loosen up and feel the hope, feel the sureness of God with me. I began to feel that everything is gonna be alright, no matter how it goes. Because I know that I don’t have to go through it all alone.  Thank God!

Question of the Week: What’s it like for you when you replace fear with some faith?

My life verse.

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