I “See” You

Blog for March 6th, 2023

I “See” You.

     Do you “see” people? Do you think they “see” you? What about God? You think He “sees” you? When you are checking out at a register in a store or someone helps you find something in a store, do you see them? Do you look at them?  What about your waitress or waiter, the nurse or aide that checks you into the doctor office.

     I have a tendency to ask everyone who is waiting on me their name.  I feel like, even though our relationship will be short lived, we are indeed having a relationship.  And what if I keep having an interaction with them every time I go back, it’d be good to acknowledge them personally.  Not only do you get better service, it brightens a person’s day to be recognized, it’s personable, something we just don’t get much of these days.

     Even today, I was in a meeting, and it was mentioned again about being seen. I went and watched a movie today too and there was a man, aka Greg Laurie, running crazy down the street and a man named Lonnie caught up to him and tried to help him.  Greg was high and all whacked out from nearly dying in a car wreck, Lonnie calmed him down and talked him down.  He told him, as they sat on the sidewalk in the rain, “ I see you”. I can see your pain.

     Do you ever feel like people look at you, but look right through you?  My husband used to talk about being invisible. He said he would be sitting at the counter at a restaurant and the waitress would wait on the people on either side of him, but ignore him, like he was invisible, not there at all. I have experienced that also. I suspect we all have at one time or another and it feels pretty lousy doesn’t it?

     Another saying that was mentioned today was the verse in a song, “I once was blind, but now I see”.  Humm, now I see. What do I see? What do I do with it? I truly want to know.  Is acknowledgment enough? Saying “I see you?” or looking someone in the eye when we say hello?  I don’t think I have always been very good about doing that.  I want to make more of an effort from here on out.

     In this crazy world of ours, so many people feel like a number, like a shadow, invisible, not valued, not wanted or cared for. So if only the tiny little act of looking at someone in the eye and saying (at least in your own heart mind) I see you, I care, I love you, I need you, I want you, you are important, and I value you.  All of that can be sent with the way you look at them. And if you know them and are able, a touch goes pretty far too.

    In our meetings, we hug a lot, we look at each other when we share (talk) sometimes we put a hand on a shoulder or on an arm to say that we care. What simple little acts to put some love into action.  Just look at someone- “see them” or a gentle, loving touch. 

     It doesn’t cost anything and anyone can do it. Except maybe a blind person, but I know two blind people and they connect with others fairly easily. Certainly, we can reach out to others in these small kind ways. 

     When I feel as if I’m being seen, it makes me feel as though I am of some value. It makes me want to be kinder, more helpful and more caring myself.  So If I in turn pass that onto another, we just might end up with a lot of people liking themselves more and doing better and caring for others more. And on and on it goes. Pretty cool huh?

Question of the Week: Can you see? Really see another.

All I ask is that you see my humanity.

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