Knight in Shining Armor

Blog for May 1st 2023

Knight in Shining Armor

     Sitting here watching “The Song Remains the Same”, a 1976 documentary of Led Zeppelin, and let me tell you, it’s pretty trippy. I remember seeing them at the Swing Auditorium in 1969, and I was pretty dang high.  Jason Bonham was such an incredible drummer. They were all very talented at what they did. 

     In this documentary they also have a little storyline running parallel to the concert about them being in mid-evil times and Robert Plant is rescuing a damsel in distress.  Ha, how fun are they!

     I remember wanting to be rescued by a knight in shining armor. Or aliens, or a rich person or anyone actually, lol. And I really wanted to climb that Stairway to Heaven!  I think I might have had my head in the clouds, eh?  That’s why drugs worked for me for so long, they took me to the unreality of life that I wanted to leave behind.

   But guess what? My knight in shining armor did come, my God and my husband are my Knights in shining armor. My husband did not come on a trusty steed, but on a Harley.  And I am climbing that stairway to heaven, but not with gold, not by buying it, but by doing the will of my higher power and working my steps. Which is a surrender to my God. That’s how I will get to heaven.

      And until I get there, I get to live with my proverbial knight in shining armor, in our fairy tale life together one day at a time. Living and enjoying life without the use of drugs. As God would have intended. Loving each other and our kids and grandkids. Hanging out with family and friends. Not sure who all King Arthur hung out with besides the knights of the round table, Lady Guinevere and Sir Lancelot, and we know how that turned out. Lol.

     I prefer my Knight, my little kingdom in the hood and my court jesters.  I guess I can still entertain thoughts of castles, knights, maidens, and jousting. But my reality is God, recovery, family and friends. I have been able to live and achieve my wildest dreams. From where I came from to living out my dreams, to becoming my own Shining Knight, with the help of God and

twelve steps, I have been able to come out from depths of addiction and create a better life for myself and my family.

   Tomorrow I am off on another adventure, spending some time with grandkids, especially my Mississippi granddaughter, we’re going on a road trip together. These are my blessings in my life now.  Next week- when I write my little blog, it will be towards the end of our trip and the fun we had. Can’t wait to tell ya’ll about that.

Question of the Week: Have you been rescued?

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