Blog for June 5th, 2023


     I usually write something about the week’s events, but today I’m writing about the week-ends events. Which actually causes me to write about the last thirty-one years.  This weekend was spent celebrating and honoring what happened thirty-one years ago.

     First of all, the number thirty-one is significant to me because it is the age I was when I got clean. When my new life started. When living and being really started. My life was forever changed once I made the decision to get and stay clean in April of 1985.

     Due to that decision, none of my grandkids have ever seen me high. I was seven years clean when my first grandchild was born, my oldest grandson, Eddie. My daughter was still in high school when she got pregnant and therefore it was a bit of a difficult time for us. There were some adjustments to this new development.

     I was attending a college about seventy miles away and did not notice the changes in my daughter at first.  But my husband did and then so did I. She transferred to a continuation school in the expectant mother’s class.  She is very smart and was able to graduate a year early.  At her graduation party she went into labor.

     She had a beautiful, healthy baby boy. There were some who had encouraged her to abort him, give him away and not to ever stay with the father.  I was not one of people. Instead, I told her I would always be here for her, that’s what recovery can do, help us be there for others.

    Eventually, she and the father married and started a life together. They raised Eddie with love and God. Fifteen years later from the day Eddie was born, she delivered twins. They all have the same birthday as my husband’s, how awesome is that!

     That baby boy is now thirty-one and this weekend, he graduated from medical school. He is a doctor now. I am so proud of him. As I think of what an awesome person he is, not just smart, but humble and sweet. He is incredible. He is a blessing to our whole family.

     He is thirty-one and now a doctor. When I was thirty-one, I was just getting clean. We are light years apart in terms of accomplishments and life choices. I cannot even believe how a person from my blood and DNA could turn out to be so smart and sweet. What a blessing he has been to us all.

     I have heard it said that Jesus started his ministry at thirty-one years old. I do not find that to be a coincidence. I know that might sound crazy right now, but I put some thought into why, how, where and when things happen. Because they told me when I got clean and went to a meeting that there are no coincidences, just miracles where God decides to remain anonymous. I believe there is something to that. None of us get here by mistake. If you have made it into recovery and into the rooms, that is no accident.  

     The way I figure, if God brought you to it, He’ll see you through it. You don’t have to do this alone; you too can have a Higher Power and a support group to help get you up and running, and into a new life in recovery. It will be the beginning of changing the outcomes of your life and your loved ones, especially the ones to come after you. 

     Not everyone gets clean at thirty-one, or eighteen, or fifty-five or forty-two, we get here when we get here, right on time. Whenever that is or was for you. It was no accident, and you are intended to be a part of our journey. You are also intended to set that example for your family, kids, grandkids, friends’ kids, nieces, and nephews. Anyone you work with, in and out of the rooms. Especially to those you sponsor.

     I’m not trying to claim any kind of credit for my brilliant grandson and his accomplishments. But he is the first doctor in our family. Which is a big deal for us. From where I come from, it’s nothing short of a miracle. I guess you are picking up how proud I am. But good things happen to those who stay clean and who turn around and help those of them coming behind them.

     At this time, I can think of more than thirty-one reasons to stay clean, to keep coming back and to help others stay clean.

Question of the Week: What are some of your reasons to stay clean?

PS; Happy Birthday to two of my besties. KK and Marshie. I love you both so much.

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