
Blog for June 26, 2023



  “Able to be relied on as honest or truthful. Dependable.” They say Trustworthiness involves four major qualities: Integrity, honesty, promise-keeping, and loyalty.”

     Yes, that’s a good start. Let’s go with that. Does that describe you? Your spouse? Your best friend? Let’s go a little deeper, how about your boss? The government? The judge? Some of your family? Your car?

     We have so much that we trust and depend on to “be there for us”, to help us through our times of illness, struggles, heartaches, grief and driving to work or the store.   What if we can’t depend on them? What if they can’t depend on us? 

    I think early in life, we start developing a list of who and what we can and can’t trust. I’ve always said that I trust my husband more than any other human being on the planet. But, not 100%. Why not? Because people are fallible human beings and I do not believe it is right for anyone to put all that on one person.

    Yet, we do seem to expect it.  From our spouses, boyfriends, girlfriends, parents, bosses, and heaven forbid, the president of

your country. Basically, people of power and position.

    I know that since I’ve been clean and in recovery I have tried to be as trustworthy as I possibly can.  I do not abide liars, cheats, and thieves, therefore I don’t want to be one.

    I know no one is perfect, by as much as it is possible with me, I try to be someone that everyone can count on.  From my husband, kids, family and friends to the people driving in traffic with me,

     However, I cannot be counted on to stand by and let tyrants, egomaniacs and evil people get away with hurting others and using their so-called powers and influence to bully and mistreat others.  Not as long as I know and see what they are doing, then I must say something.

      I let way too much bad stuff slide by when I was using. I’m not about to sit here and let the evil people get away with it now.  In fact, even if I say something, they still may get away with it, but at least I know I said something. I watch too many people sit by and let others take advantage of the weaker, hurting people.  That makes me angry.

     I think God intended it that way, that I should get angry, or disturbed.  I see others on TV, on the news, get upset and start marches, protests, and rallies. Some turn so passionate and violent that they destroy what is not theirs.  That is taking it too far.

     I choose to let my God fight those kinds of battles for me. But He has given me a voice, a choice, a conscience.  I choose to stay a trustworthy and reliable person.  No matter what some of us do, there will always be those who want to hurt us for our values, morals and non-compliance to their crazy ideas.

     I can’t be a trustworthy person all by myself, I have to let my God guide me. I believe it is from Him and my faith that I can see and know right from wrong at all. So, I have to turn it over, “it” being me, my attitude and actions, I have to allow my God to go before me.  Meanwhile, I must stay clean, no matter what!

Question of the Week: Are you trustworthy?

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