Slaying Dragons

Blog for July 3rd, 2023

Slaying Dragons

      First of all, happy Independence Day/week to the USA. Hope everyone stays safe, sane, sober and clean. I know it’s a big party week.  Lots of people on the roads and trying to get in the air. Lots of delays in the airports I see. Two point four million Californians on the road traveling for fun! Wow! Plus, there are heat waves and weather issues all over the place. It’ll be 111 here today, the hottest day this year so far.

     I started the morning with a committee meeting on zoom, I am chair of our local NA area’s website. In fact, my husband and I built that site many years ago. I’ve only been chair again about a year and half this time. There are so many smart addicts on that regional committee, it’s amazing what we (addicts) can do when we’re clean and in recovery.

     Tonight, I will be hanging out with my kids, watching fireworks at the lake they live by.  I just like to watch my grandkids watch fireworks. They are my joy, my heart, my happy spot. A gift of my recovery.

   As the past couple of months have unfolded, I have been faced with decisions of standing up for what I think is right, of standing up for my honor and reputation. Because I stood up for others I have been attacked for that.  I feel like I am in a battle with Dragons.  A battle like that can seem very lonely and scary. You can feel like you are taking the dragons on by yourself, and indeed, I have had those feelings throughout this ordeal.

     But, the fact of the matter is, I am not alone. First and foremost, I have an awesome, amazing God who protects me and loves me no matter what. I can’t tell you what an incredible, good, happy feeling that is. Next, I have my beautiful loving husband, I have a best friend and a couple of other good people guiding me, praying for me.  I feel their prayers and love.

     In times like these, there is only so much a person can do, especially a person alone. So much of the battle feels like I’m fighting an invisible force, it’s hard to pin it down and deal with it head on. This is pretty much a spiritual battle and can only be fought with God and with prayers. As much as it pains me, I am even praying for the culprit of the problems. That is what I have been taught to do in my recovery.  This- is recovery in action.

     I know this will sound a little crazy, but, I’m actually excited to see where God takes this, because I’m leaving it all in His hands. I can’t fight these battles, these Dragons, alone.  I am grateful for the program I’ve been given that helps me to stay the course. I am grateful for the few that stand by me and mostly, I’m grateful to my God, who goes before me, guides and protects me from the Dragons.

     What a blessing and gift to know that we, I, have a defender and we can put on the full armor to do battle with these monsters. With the ones who would do us and others harm. I am forever grateful and indebted to Him and my program- for my life!

     If you feel you are up against the Dragons all alone, I encourage you to turn to the One who can and will jump in front of you and battle it out with those awful beasts in order to keep you safe.  Give it all to your Higher Power and He will slay the Dragons for you.

Question of the Week: Are you battling Dragons?

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