Spiritual Deserts

Blog for July 17th

Spiritual Deserts

     Well, the heat is on! Temps are 115 and coolers are not working properly.  Sad to say, there is a heat wave across the country. In the past, violence has risen when it gets really hot like this.  I myself am feeling more defeated than angry.  I still have a dragon on my back and his fire mixed with the current weather conditions is no fun at all.

     The weather is what it is, but the dragon has me in a spiritual desert, where I feel alone, scared, dry, hot, singled out- like a target for the kill. Hopelessness is trying to creep in and take over.

     I wish I had some magical cure for the heat, but I do not.  I try to go to cool places, because my house is not a cool place. I try to plan for such days and hope for the best. I actually get physically ill when it gets over 110. Lord forbid humidity is mixed with it, then we’re all doomed.

     I wish I had a magical cure for the dragon, how to shoot him down from the sky, to stop him from his rampage.  But all I got is prayer, steps and getting some love and support from good people.  It is not that easy, but I am trying. My God is my protector.

     This is my spiritual desert, when you feel left out in the dry, lonely, hot desert without any sign of rain or help. It is a lonely place for sure. I am reminded of an old song, I think we sang it in grade school back in the day, it goes something like “ You’ve got to walk that lonesome valley, you’ve got to walk it for yourself. Oh, for, nobody else can walk it for you, you’ve got to walk it by yourself”. 

     That sounds so sad huh? It sure feels sad and lonely. I know some people enjoy being loners, isolated and left alone. I do not. I am not one of those people. I am a people person, but sometimes, people can be mean and hateful. Or, perhaps we just plain don’t get along with someone. We think very differently. And whereas, I do not care, because I believe people can do and think what they will, but when their thoughts and opinions spill over onto me and others that hurt us, then they have my attention.  Attention I do not want to give them, but attention, nonetheless.

     I am praying for this spiritual desert to pass, and to pass in the best possible way for everyone concerned. I do not like to live in this horrible heat, and I do not like to live at odds with my fellow man.

     I am feeling down and drained, so I am keeping this short, I need retreat, perspective, guidance from my God, support from loved ones, some love and care. I will apply my steps and spiritual principles. I am looking forward to coming out the other side of this spiritual desert, into a cool, calm oasis of harmony and love. I know this is possible, because I have been here before and I know as long as I don’t pick up, get loaded or drunk, then all will be well.

      I put my money where my mouth is, as they say.  And I will trust in my God, keep the faith and stay clean no matter what.  I think ahead of better days to come. Coming out from a spiritual desert you feel stronger and maybe lighter. You know that God’s got your back.  I am going to stand on that.

Question of the Week:  Have you ever experienced a Spiritual Desert?  How about this heatwave? Is it getting the best of you?

1 John 5:14 says, “This is the confidence which we have before Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.” Psalm 102:19-20 says, “For He looked down from His holy height; From heaven the LORD gazed upon the earth, to hear the groaning of the prisoner, to set free those who were doomed to death.” 

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