Drop the Rock!

Blog for August 6th, 2023

Drop the Rock!

      Been another busy week, trying to keep up with the pace of life. My grandson’s 14th birthday and getting our house cleaned and prepped for us to go on a vacation.  Processing the trauma of last week. Both of our sisters have had serious ailments. Plus, we have been able to celebrate birthdays with friends and family.

     But here we are, getting ready for what I call the “big trip”. I’m hoping to fulfill something on my bucket list on this trip. I’ll let you know if and when it’s accomplished. If not, I have a back up plan to get it done.

     I am looking forward to getting away and feeling some feelings and processing recent events in my life. I will of course use my steps to accomplish that. I plan on “dropping the rock” a lot on this trip. You know, it’s where you go for a walk, talk to God about your issues and problems. Pick up a stone along the way and pray your problems and issues into it. Then, when you feel you have done that, drop the rock somewhere, preferably where you won’t be walking by that place again, and then let it go!

    Give it to God, as they say, “let go and let God”.  Then, in the future when you start to take it back, you have a visual of dropping that rock and giving the problem to God. I have done this many times and I know it works. I’m looking forward to dropping my problems all along the way. And leaving them there, far away from my home.

     Of course, you do not have to go far from your house to drop the rock. A walk around your neighborhood would work fine or out in your own yard. The point is, we cannot, without God’s help, solve all our own problems. I know I certainly can’t. Especially where other people are concerned. Give them people to your Higher Power!

     The rock, in and of itself holds no special power, the power is in the visual of letting go of your issues to God. It helps us. He does not need the rock or any other inanimate object. We just need to have faith and believe that our God will take this burden from us. When we leave it with Him, we lighten our load and can get on with our own lives. Living and enjoying life without the use of drugs or our burdens of any kind.

     I will be dropping the rocks on my vacation and come home a whole lot lighter. I hope you can do the same if you are carrying cares and burdens.

Question of the Week: Do you need to “drop the rock”?

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