Look to the Future

Blog for August 28th, 2023

Looking to the Future

    I gotta tell ya, I have not been handling the losing of my phone very well. I mean, I haven’t gone off and done anything weird or crazy. But in my being, I am not ok with it. It’s been a process, but I need to let it go. Move on. “Look to the future”.

     “Look to the Future”, now there’s a thought. Somedays, in fact most days lately, it’s not all that easy nor encouraging.  Usually, I get renewed and uplifted by traveling, attending meetings, events and family time as well as sponsee & friend time.  But none of those things are really happening for us right now. We need to be careful about where we go so as not to pick up a fatal germ.

     I am trying to “Look to the Future” through other ways.  Like, completing my book, getting my house in order and so on.  You know, things I can do in isolation at home. I can’t tell you how grateful I am for Zoom! And of course, the good old-fashioned telephone.  My cell phone is also a main way of communicating with my people.

     I do have an online job also that occupies my time, and I enjoy teaching this class. Then there’s TV, movies, documentaries, standup comedians, and such. I am also grateful I have a treadmill at home, so I do not have to go to a gym. It seems like I’m taking stock of my blessings right now. Trying to stay out of the “Poor Me’s” because that is a very dangerous place. If I’m not careful, sadness and even depression can have its way with me, and that’s not good.

     That’s why I must look to the future. Leave my life, my recovery, my circumstances (even my lost phone) in God’s hands, the best place for me or anyone else. I am grateful for the blessings I mentioned and there are more.  Like, it’s almost the end of summer and the end of the heat. I always look forward to the Fall, my favorite time of year.

   Then there’s music, I love music, it really lifts me up.  This morning I put on some Tom Petty and cleaned the kitchen good.  And that felt good. I like all kinds of music, it sets the mood.

     I also need to “look to the future” because of an upcoming birthday that has me thinking about my end days, I know, that’s crazy, but that’s the truth. I keep telling myself that aging is a privilege not given to everyone.  We have lost several people over the last few months that were younger than me. It makes me sad. But as long as I’m still here and kick’n and able to fend for myself, I need to keep serving, giving, praying, loving, hoping and looking to the future.

Question of the Week:  Are you looking to the future? What do you hope for?

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