Ants & Squirrels

Blog for October 16th, 2023

Squirrels & Ants

     Even squirrels and ants know to work hard, store up and be ready for winter.  I personally have been of a mindset to do

something of the same.  Usually in the colder months we hunker down due to my husbands’ condition of COPD and other health concerns.  A cold can be a deadly illness if we’re not careful.

    So, I try to stay responsible and get ready for the cold months. How? First of all, I have learned from years past to try to get the meds he’ll need to make it through until the first of the year when his insurance will reset. I’m happy to say that is a done deal. Next, we get vaccines and gear up for coldness and germ spreading time by having what we need at home.

     But there is also a spiritual and emotional context to these preparations. Such as: We both get on the treadmill daily, we do daily meditations together and some alone too. We have projects that we will work on throughout the winter, such as pictures, writings

and organizing around the house.

    I personally am working towards having my house as squared away as I can so that in the winter I can cozy up and relax with my step work, reading and writing and picture projects. Because I know me, and once the shorter days, the darker days or gloomy days come, I just want to retreat within.

    Because, no matter what season it is, I must always tend to my recovery. I must continue to seek to grow in my recovery and grow closer and closer to my Higher Power. Therefore, I will be doing a lot of zoom meetings, I already have a few that I go to regularly and I may find more. I do go on some outings. I have a few planned, but they are few and far between. We also have some Holiday plans and events, concerts and gatherings planned. But not many and we will be careful.

     I am actually looking forward to getting things done during the cold months. I personally am tired of the heat; we’ll be in the nineties again this week. I prefer the more Fall like weather at this point. Which, we did take a drive up into the Sierra’s to look at the changing of leaves, it was so beautiful. It lightens my heart and inspires me. The crisp air is also inspiring.

     Last week I wrote about “Enough”, have I done enough in my time here on planet earth? I know that before I got clean, I worked. Maybe not as well as I should have, but for these past thirty-eight and a half years of clean time I have worked steady and to the best of my ability, which I consider a miracle, only with God’s help have I been able to do this.

     During all my working years I have saved up and stored my nuts, done my best to prepare for the winter of my life, it is upon me now. I turned seventy last week and it is time to relax, hunker down and do the things that I want to do in the winter, not just this season, but the winter of my life also.  Which is to finish writing some stories I have going and to get my Picture Project done. Plus, stay healthy through it with my husband.  I consider both of us miracles. God has been good.

     Whereas, I say it’s time to rest, I do have an online job that I am most happy with and will continue to do so as long as the Lord wills it. The bit of money I make from that job I save up to use for our Spring and Summer vacations. That’s like storing nuts for the warmer weather. Lol

   There is even scripture about being ready for winter, for colder months:

Here are some Bible verses on preparation for winter:

  • Proverbs 6:6-8: “Take a lesson from the ants, you lazybones. Learn from their ways and become wise! Though they have no prince or governor or ruler to make them work, they labor hard all summer, gathering food for the winter.”
  • Proverbs 20:4: “Those too lazy to plow in the right season will have no food at the harvest.”
  • Job 37:9-10: “Out of the south cometh the whirlwind: and cold out of the north.”
  • Song of Solomon 2:11-12:

     Well then, I have to tell you, I want to eat this winter. Therefore, my cupboards and freezer are full. I am ready, I even have some warmer clothes and cozy little blankets ready. My gas bill is paid, and I can turn on the heat, you might say, the pile of wood stands ready. Being ready is something I have mostly learned in my recovery.

     By working my steps, working my program, searching for God’s will, (step eleven) I have learned to be prepared, like a good girl scout. Lol.  I know life throws enough curve balls at us that take us by surprise, so let’s be ready for what we can control to the best of our ability, I mean, even the squirrels and ants do that.  

Question of the Week: Are you ready for the winter?

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