The War is Over

Blog for November 13th 2023

The War is Over!

     As I write this, we are honoring our country’s veterans today. I believe we should honor them daily.  I don’t mean make everyday a holiday, but to be thankful for our freedom everyday and thank our Vets every chance to get.

     We had a little local Holiday event here this weekend in our hometown with our local NA fellowship and along the lines of Veterans, our speakers had fifty-two years and forty-four years clean. Wow! Plus, the leader had forty-seven years clean.  At our table we had a total of 250 years between the six of us.  Wow! That’s a lot of experience, strength and hope, a lot of recovery time to be shared. 

     At the event I had mentioned my gratitude for our Vets and also that we (the addicts in attendance) were veterans of the war on drugs. Actually, the war on addiction, the private war that each of us had to fight within ourselves. This was the fight of our lives, trying to overcome some harsh realities that many of us have been through and then seeking the help we so desperately needed.  Once we find that help, it is not enough that we found it, now, we must maintain it.

     And that is where the real work begins, with the battle to overcome the damage done. The damage done to us by others, possibly parents or relatives when we were young and possibly abusive spouses. And then of course, the damage we have caused others.  Sometimes, it is unbearable to get past these issues. Many end up getting high again when they are faced with the pain of it all.

     For myself, I know the steps have helped me to work through all these painful issues and to help me stay here, stay clean and continue to overcome past and current hurts, hangups and emotional issues.  Within the steps is my journey to a closer relationship with my Higher Power.  It has not always been easy to look at myself, but it has always been worth it.  I have stayed clean. Period. That is the bottom line. All the relief and weight that has been lifted off of me is worth it as well.

    The war is over! I can attest to that. There is no longer an ongoing battle to cover up my feelings. With the steps, God, my sponsor, and others I have faced all my past, all my current and ongoing issues. Some issues, as you probably know, can still be recurring, maybe from time to time and when triggered.  At that point I do what I did in the beginning: pray, work a step, write about it, call my sponsor, or share with someone else who cares about me and my recovery.

     I would like to encourage anyone who is having a hard time letting go of past painful memories and issues to please stay clean and continue to work your steps, talk to your sponsor, pray and let go and let God help you through it.  Do that as many times as necessary, daily, hourly, it will eventually let up and you will find some relief and freedom.

Question of the Week:  Is your war over? Or do you continue to struggle with the past battles?

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