Get Aways and Reboots

Blog for February 26, 2024

Get Aways and Reboots

     It’s unusual for me to wait until the last minute to write my weekly blog, but it was such a busy weekend my head was filled with the happenings of the weekend.  I went to a convention in San Diego with three of my sponsee’s. It was a women’s convention called the “Circle of Sisters”. 

     It is very popular, and it floats around the USA, I attended it one time before, in New Orleans. Next year, it will be in Alaska.  It’s pretty fun, but it’s also pretty packed, I’d say about two thousand showed up this weekend. I had six of my eight sponsees there, 😊.  I heard a lot of good speakers and got filled up with recovery. I even made a new friend, someone I related to a lot when she spoke in an afternoon meeting. She has fifty-one years clean and that’s nothing to sneeze at. 

     Now then there’s the whole, four women in one room thing, oh boy.  Actually, it wasn’t too bad.  As far as sharing one bathroom goes but getting everybody to decide on going to which meeting when, or going to eat and so on, that’s another story. But we managed through it. My only beef was when my newcomer sponsee set her alarm for 4:30am and then proceeded to get up and get ready to go out shopping.  Oy Vey! Lol

     But we should all have such problems, eh?  I think of the still suffering, using addict, the homeless addicts, the abused women and yes, men too. I think of the hostages, the wars that are happening on this planet and the pain that so many endure, and I’m worried about being woken up too early in a nice, comfy hotel room with some sweet, kind, loving friends?  I think, how dare I?

    We should all have it so good. Plus, we all made it home safely, with no incidents or problems.  It was a beautiful, enriching time.  I will marinate on all I heard for days to come, if not longer.  But meanwhile, back to reality, I am so happy to be home with my husband, but there’s work to be done and bills to pay and other matters that need tending to now.  But it was so nice to get away, fill up my recovery cup and disconnect from the concerns and worries of our day to day lives.

    I try to balance the “down times”, or the “get aways” if you will, with the “tending to real life, on life’s terms” so I can keep a clear head, a spiritual balance and a tighter focus on my recovery and navigating through life as best I can with as much grace and dignity as possible.

    I am so grateful that I am able to get away from time to time, to “reboot” myself spiritually, mentally and physically, but I am also grateful for being able to deal with life on life’s terms. 

     We do have those few matters I mentioned going on, but with my Higher Powers help and the love and support of the recovering, faithful women in my life I will be much better able to keep on this wonderful journey of recovery, healing, love and acceptance.

Question of the Week:   Do you need a “reboot” ?

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