The Windy City

Blog for March 4th, 2024

The Windy City

    Man, I tell you what, this wind is something else! It’s nothing new to us here in “Blow-ston”.  That’s what they call my town.  We are not Chicago, but we are no strangers to the wind blowing hard, for days at a time.  This time we only have gusts up to 60 mph, but we’ve seen over 90+ around here before. It is said that the local Indian tribe from this area, many years ago, like a hundred or more years, would call it the “crazy wind”, because it makes you feel crazy, kind of whacks you out.

     Just a couple days ago, I was feeling frustration, aggravation, and irritation on a high level. I was not entirely sure why, but I had my ideas about where it was coming from. But it was also like a physiological feeling. I tried to explain it to someone as feeling like restless leg syndrome, but in my whole body.  In my whole mind, body, and spirit.  

  Like Mary Poppins says, “there’s wind in the east, a mist coming in, like something is brewin’ and ‘bout to begin”.  Yep, something is about to begin alright. It could be a complete shift inside of me. A new desire to change. What might my HP have in store for me now? Which way should I go?

     Then there’s this little quote from Mimi Novic that says, “Sometimes we can only find our true direction when we let the wind of change carry us away”. So, with all this wind, I feel like a change is coming.  And to tell you the truth, as I was writing this, I had a spiritual awakening. Yay! But it’s a process, I believe a lot of prayer will be involved on my part, for sure.

     It might also have to do with having a little cabin fever or Spring fever. After hunkering down all winter, I’m eager to get out and about, to go visit friends and family. To stretch my legs and my creativity. I want to be “sociable”. But the pain of not being well received hinders that desire. Humm  

     But the thing is, I came to realize a couple of nights ago, after going to a meeting where I felt like an outsider and not welcomed, I have not been there in a long time, but it added to my frustrations and irritations instead of bringing the relief a meeting should. So, it caused me to look deeper into myself. Plus, when I said something about to a friend who was there, he pointed something out to me that I needed to hear, but ouch. 

     So yes, the wind is blowing, and it is time for change, starting with me and looking deep within. I think of just moving inward, isolating, and giving the world the finger, but that won’t solve anything and it sure won’t heal me or help me be who I’m supposed to be according to God’s will for me. So, to my knees I go, as the wind blows on, I can even take comfort in that.

    I do indeed feel a change a coming, I sure hope it is all good, but I fear, it will not be without some pain- and some growth.  But I think that would depend on me and the effort I am willing to put into the change and the direction I am willing to take, especially from my HP.  Hang onto your hats, an update to follow next week.

Isaiah 40: 29-31- we’ll gain new strength, mount up with wings like eagles! The Holy Spirit is the Wind beneath our wings, He lifts

us up.

Question of the Week: Do you feel there’s a change coming with the wind? What would you like to change in your life?

And then the wind changed, and off she goes…

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