Rejection & Blessings

Blog for March 25th, 2024

Rejection & Blessings

     It’s been a week of more ups and downs, same as every week, same as each month, year and life in its totality. The week started out with rejection and resentments. But by Thursday my Higher Power, God, granted me a most excellent day.

     I got to be a part of a new women’s meeting we started at the Women’s shelter and then off to do step work with my oldest sponsee, meaning, she has the most time of my sponsees and I’ve sponsored her the longest. And yes, we still do step work after thirty plus years in recovery. She has thirty-four.

     Then I headed to my daughter’s place, a nice, cozy place on the lake, it is always a blessing to spend quality time with her. Just me and her where I get more opportunities to tell her how much I love her and how proud I am of her. She is an angel. It was indeed a blessed time together.

     The next day, I came home and was able to prepare a nice dinner for my son to come and visit with us.  I felt my prayers being answered in that I always pray to see my kids more often.

     Saturday morning was about writing my report for our NA service meeting on Sunday. Then hitting a bit of a morning meeting on zoom and going to the business meeting where I ended up being trained to be a host and be of service to that meeting.  It meets six days a week, so they do need help. One guy who has been battling cancer has been carrying most of the weight and then two others each do one day a week.   

     Being of service, spending time with kids and grandkids, working steps with sponsees is definitely the remedy for those feelings of rejection and resentments that could cause me to spiral into “poor Me’s” and thinking about my poor pitiful self-more than I think of others or of my God.   Which is not a healthy or happy place to be, ever!

     Plus, the week has been filled with making vacation plans for that infamous family reunion in July, you know, the family I’ve never met.  More on that later. For now, I’m just getting it all set up.  So, I am grateful for other happy things to think about than the fact that I’ve been rejected by some people, of whom I’ve known a long, long time.  

     I am grateful that I can see and feel my blessings override my sad, “what’s wrong with me” feelings.  The fact is, the thing that is wrong with me, where these old friends are concerned, is that I don’t go along with their BS. And so I am sure it is best to just move on our separate ways and let life take its course. I am actually happy being who I am.

   And who I am is a child of God, a woman in recovery, with a lot to offer other women. I am talented, loving, kind and giving. Maybe not every minute of every day, but more often than not. Thanks to my HP.

Question of the Week: How do you handle rejection? 

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