Flow with the River

Blog for April 16th, 2024

Flow with the River

     It’s a rainy day, again, great day for a play and writing. Gets my creative juices flowing, and I like that. This afternoon our local Community College, the one I teach at actually, had their last performance of “The Sound of Music”. It was awesome, I really enjoyed it, all of the children in the play did fantastic. I took a friend from the fellowship with me. It feels good to treat others who probably would not get to do such things otherwise.  We really enjoyed it, she likes to sing too, so I’m sure it stirred her creative juices too.

    Now in my cozy house, full belly, ambience on my You Tube, I like the Hobbit scenes myself, the old taverns, fireplace roaring, Celtic music, love it. More juices flowing. One time my husband and I went to New Zealand, to where the Hobbit was filmed, and we got to go such a tavern. We ate lunch there, no drinking for us. Mutton sandwiches’ I believe, lol. You know sheep were everywhere in that country.  So beautiful.

      Plus, I am celebrating one of my sponsees that has fifteen years today, so proud of her, she is a beautiful, hard working woman of God, my Amalia. Another amazing lady in recovery, I love her so much. Thankful for her in my life.

     I have had another interesting week, with the biggest issues being my friend’s dads are in serious conditions in the hospital, one with a malignant brain tumor and one with ruptured aorta and they did emergency surgery nine days ago and he still hasn’t woke up. This is not good. My husband and I pray all the time for them and others. I count my blessings.  Because, just for today, we are ok, my husband could be better, but all things considered, we are doing just fine.

    My personal biggest issues this week is with my local fellowship, our meetings and the feeling of back biting and meanness that seems to be running through our area lately. This happens from time to time in the fellowships, it can’t but help to happen. When you are dealing with sick people- who are trying to get well- but have a ways to go- it’s bound to happen.  It’s pretty much none of my business and the only thing I can do is to pray about it and take care of my own side of the street. Knowing my place in the scheme of things. Just don’t do anything to make it any worse.

     All of my recovery I have sought to find my place and from time to time I find it. Then, from time to time, I lose it again. Lol, that’s almost hilarious huh?  But it’s the truth. Life is like a flowing river, with winding curves, turbulent, rapid waters at times due to the storms of life, rain and flooding. Then before you know it, you come to a leveling off place where the water slows and mellows. The sun is shining on its glistening surface, and all feels peaceful and calm. Then boom, it begins to rain again, and you come to a downhill drop and the buildup causes overflowing banks and white-water waves swirling and pulling anything in its path under.

     This week I experienced some of the chill time and a big blessing, that came from Alaskan Airlines, 😊 and I experienced the love and sweetness of my friend and oldest sponsee, Julie. We had a wonderful time on Thursday. I’ve also felt the discouragement of women not coming to our meetings and I have seen and heard of members shutting others out. It breaks my heart, but again, I’m just working on keeping my side of the street clean, finding my place in it all.

     What I will tell you is, that through it all: the good, the bad, the ups and downs, the exciting parts and the distressing parts, through it all, I have not had to pick up a drug or a drink. But I have picked up my meditations that my husband and I do together daily. It is the peaceful, slow down of the rapidly running river when we sit and do this together.  And right now, is such a time. 

Question of the Week:  Do you experience the ups and downs on a weekly or daily basis? Or are they more stretched out for you?

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