To Hoopla or Not Hoopla

Blog for April 22nd, 2024

To Hoopla or Not to Hoopla?

Hoopla: 1. informal, unnecessary excitement surrounding an event or situation, unnecessary fuss. 2. Excited commotion, exaggerated or sensational promotion or publicity: ballyhoo

     Just sitting here staring at the Eiffel Tower, from the vantage point of a little sidewalk café, listening to gentle jazz for my writing time. Watching some boats float down the Seine with the soft, wavy movement of the water. In the distance, is a scalloped bridge. I love the old bridges. The sun is sitting just to the right of the Eiffel Tower and throws off a golden light near the base of it.

   This cobble stoned sidewalk café has falling leaves strewn about, some plants and a shady, protective tree, I am in heaven here. The glow of the light from inside the café is perfect lighting for this spot, this place, this time of day. All is well with the world, for just these few moments, I relish in the wonderful life that recovery, and God, has given me. Yes, all is perfect at this moment. Living in a state of gratitude and grace without the hoopla of the outside world.

     No, I am not in Paris, I just described the ambience I have on my TV while I write. I love many different kinds of ambiences, for different times of day and different seasons. Like my moods, things change: weather, places, friends, family, jobs, meetings, people, sponsees, faith, love, wants and desires.

     What I used to chase and hunger after is no longer the same thing I strive for today. Today, I want the soft, easy flow of the Seine River, mellow jazz, enchanting sunset on the Eiffel Tower.  I do not need hoopla, bells and whistles, flashy, loud or jump’n jive’n action.

     Last night I went to a concert with two sponsees and another lady that is a friend in recovery. We went to see and hear Lauren Daigle and we were not disappointed. She was beautiful, a great talent, a loving, simple lady with a heart for God and a message of His love for us. Very uplifting, real and fun. We laughed, we cried, we became a part of. The best part… no hoopla, no flashy half naked dancers or crazy light show. Yes, she has a wonderful interactive band, they kind of marched and danced around with her, and yes, the venue had different lighting, it was at the Honda Center in Anaheim, so duh, of course it was well put together.

    But I see so many clips and videos of singers and bands who use synthesizers, bells and whistles, sexy dancers and all. You can’t hardly hear the main the singer.  I’m not saying anything is wrong with that, “I” just don’t need it. It’s not my season for big hoopla’s. And I do go to big name concerts, about four or five a year at least. I enjoy live music of my favorite bands and musicians. But the concerts I go to do not really have hoopla, just talent, lol.

     What’s my point? My point is that it’s ok to chill, enjoy the real things of life, the real people. Your real feelings and enjoy friends and family without a lot of hoopla. Just chill and just be.  I enjoy going out in nature, where it is quiet, except maybe for some singing birds, howling wolves, squeaky, creaky squirrels and rusting leaves in the wind. Perfect. I do not always need to sit by the Eiffel Tower, but it sure can refresh the soul from time to time. (actually, I have been up the Eiffel Tower before, with my grandson and BFF)

    Being with the like-minded ladies last night was also refreshing. We enjoy each other’s company and conversations. We talk about our families, feelings, jobs, life and whatever else we need to.  No hoopla. Just keeping it simple and slow. I love that. It inspires me, refreshes me and uplifts me. No hoopla.

Question of the Week: What season are you in? Hoopla or no hoopla? Maybe a tad? 

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