Bottom Line

Blog for May 27th, 2024

Bottom Line

     Everything has been fairly mellow around here, just doing the day to day thing, trying to keep up with the speed of life. Taking care of my end of things, my responsibilities as best I can.  When I ask myself why I keep trying so hard, which my sponsor tells me to quit doing, I tell myself it’s because I’m working towards the bottom line.

     But what exactly is my bottom line? What is YOUR bottom line? How much and how hard do we work towards it? And why should it matter?  I think I personally have been chasing an elusive goal of getting “everything done”, so I can kick back and chill, enjoy life. Is that my bottom line? Naw, I think not. I think that is a vicious cycle and a never-ending hamster wheel game.

      I also strive to serve, wanting to do God’s will as it says in our eleventh step and in the Bible too.  We pray for His will for us and the power to carry it out. That way, we can get to the bottom line with God’s help. Without His help, what would really be the point?

     Over my many years of recovery, I have done a lot of step work, I mean a lot! I will usually work a step or all of them at one time when I am compelled to because I want to get to the bottom of what is going on with me. Why I’m struggling with something or someone.  And every time I work a step, looking to uncover the real problem and find a solution, the bottom line is always “let go and let God”. Every time! Without fail.

     So why on earth not just go straight to the solution every time. Nip it in the bud, just let go at the beginning of a situation before it becomes a problem! Duh!  That would require living in a state of perpetual letting go.  Which, at this point in my life does not sound like a bad idea at all.

     After a lifetime of life and recovery, I am very ready and happy to let God run and control my life, my everything. Everyone in my life and all of life’s circumstances around me. From the wars to family to our health, everything.

     Just think of all the troubles I could have spared myself all these years if I could just live like that all the time. All of us could be spared a lot of stress, fears and insecurities, if we could just let go right away.  What a wonderful world it would be.  I think that would be like living on the bottom line all the time.

     I know the world talks about the bottom line in terms of money, time and great accomplishments, but for me, the most important thing is my spiritual condition and my relationship with my Higher Power, THAT.. is my Bottom Line!

Question of the Week:  What’s your bottom line?

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