Go Outside and Play

Blog for July 1st, 2024

Go Outside and Play

     So guess what? It’s Summer! Whoo hoo!  And actually, I’m not all that excited, because where I live it can get pretty darn hot, already gonna see 111 degrees and 114 this week. And that’s only the beginning. So, living in a house with an old swamp cooler, I have to think of solutions to beat the heat. Because after 105, I’m done for.  I have a few solutions that I do, but the best one is to LEAVE!

     It is my hope and desire to head north this summer and go play outside.  Now that’s what the summer is for, at least when you can find tolerable, cooler weather to enjoy it in. I like to camp and my husband fishes or used to. I just love being outdoors and in nature taking pictures too.

     When I think of playing outside it reminds me of when I was a kid and boy oh boy did we love the summer evenings for playing hide & seek in the neighborhood, swimming, riding bikes, parks and picnics. Ice cream too!  My mom would often say “go play outside”.  I didn’t mind, off I’d go. I realize now, she wasn’t as concerned with me having fun as she was seeking some quiet time or whatever from having us kids around.

     When I became a parent and my kids got big enough to go “play outside” I too was not just encouraging them to go out for fresh air and be social with neighborhood kids, I wanted them out so I could do my dope and me and my friends could do our thing without kids bugging. How sad. These are times that I regret.

      Sometimes, I would even lock the door, especially if we were cutting and weighing dope. I’d have it all over the kitchen table with lots of beer cans and booze. Big ashtrays full up with cigarette butts and ashes. No telling what we were smoking.

     I remember my kids pounding on the door to be let in. We’d have to scramble to hide all the dope before I would let them in.  It was really sad if they were thirsty & hungry or had to pee. Yes, I totally regret those times and wish I could go back and change it.

     Now a days when they “go outside to play”, they are either taking their kids and grandkids camping or fishing, swimming and some play golf, some ride dirt bikes or bikes. My oldest grandson does “extreme biking” in mountains. They like to hike and enjoy nature too and take photos of beautiful things in God’s world. I like that they see God in nature.

     These are things we taught them in our recovery, and they continue to enjoy “playing outside” and having fun together.  But as much as we all like the great outdoors, it’s good to know that we can come inside whenever we want. That’s recovery for ya.

     I am so grateful for this, for these much healthier ways to “go outside and play”, it’s summertime and we should be enjoying the lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer, with tall glasses or ice water or ice tea, without being locked out!

Question of the Week: Do you like to “go outside and play”? Have you ever been locked out from your home?

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