Travel Time

Blog for July 8th, 2024

Travel Times

     Well, it’s been a wild few days I tell ya.  I’ve traveled over 2,000 miles to come meet family I never knew I had until last January. I have two grandchildren with me too.  I am just now trying to settle down from the whole experience. I’ve met so many new cousins and relatives, but the most significant to me was my brothers. 

     Because wow! One of them has been very welcoming to me and has tried to make me feel a part of right from the start.  The other has sort of been in the back ground, which I totally get. In fact, I understand that more than I do the one who has been so embracing and loving towards me.

     In fact, all of my new relatives were kind, welcoming and sweet to me. I did not really talk to all of them. I guess I met the most important ones. That’s according to my brother. But, I connected with who I connected with. A couple of them in particular. One of my nieces looks like me, or rather, how I looked at the age she is now. She and I hit it off.

     Her brother too, he is actually the first one I had contact with in this new family. It’s been quite a journey and I am glad I came. I am very tired tonight and have another long driving day ahead of me tomorrow. Plus, it’s my son’s birthday and my granddaughter too. She will be 21.

     So, life goes on and we keep on pushing forward, I am happy and grateful and feel really blessed to have made this trip and meet these wonderful people, my family.

     Sorry to say that I did not get this blog posted on schedule this week, now it is three days later. I am finally just chill’n in a hotel room by myself. I took my granddaughter back to her place in Mississippi and my grandson is spending the night with a cousin, so I have a little down time, which, I think I really need.

    Last night I went to the Grand Ole Opry with my friend, an ex co-worker who has moved to Ohio and so she met me in Nashville. It was a really cool experience and I’m glad I got to do it all.  Tomorrow I will make my way to the Gulf Coast where I’ll spend the weekend with a sponsee and her husband.  I can’t wait.

      Recovery has been good to me, to enable me to do all this and be with friends, family and see and do all these awesome things. However, it does not come without a price and a week on the road with the kids can be a set up for being tired and sore, missing our homes and routines.

    And there has been a couple of little incidents and stressful situations, but I do what my program has me do: breath in, breath out and put one foot in front of the other and let God have control.  And even though we may disagree on some things, we can agree to disagree and compromise. And when necessary, make amends.

     Then, I can get back to feeling the gratitude for this awesome trip and all the experiences we are having. I am most grateful, but I’m also starting to feel the pull for home and mostly my husband. I never like being gone from him, and I talk to him all the time, in fact we just did our meditations on zoom. We do them together every day, one way or another, no matter what.  It helps keep me balanced.

 Question of the Week: Do you have any travel plans this summer?

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