
Blog for November 18, 2024

Patience: The ability to remain calm and endure difficult situations, such as waiting for something or dealing with problems. * Waiting for a long time without becoming annoyed. * Giving attention to something for a long time. * Suffering without complaining or becoming annoyed.

     Patience is the spiritual principle I was on this week. Looking at the definitions above, I can relate to each one of those meanings in some form or another.  As with “the ability to remain calm and endure difficult situations”.  There have indeed been times that I have been able to do that, only with the help of a power greater than myself. The biggest example that comes to mind is when I had my aneurysm coiled. I was in the hospital for a week, mostly waiting for my brain surgery. I wanted to leave, but a nice nurse and the desire for survival helped me stay and see it through.

     But did I have a choice? Yes, I suppose I did, could have walked out.  But I needed to stay, if I wanted to live, and I do.   So, I chilled as best I could and listened to Christian music with my ear buds and prayed and wrote and called my BFF and her husband, they prayed with me nightly.  I had some visitors, and I tried to just hang in there.  Patience was the name of the game.

     Then there is the “waiting for a long time without becoming annoyed” definition.   What pops in my mind is being put on hold for long periods of time with medical people, insurance and so on. Also, waiting for hours, days and even longer for someone to answer a text, email or phone call. This happens often with some of my co-workers, sponsees and other friends.  It disturbs me. I do not have a lot of patience for rudeness, I think it’s a respect issue as well, it’s just rude.  I mean, it’s not like I call them and leave a nasty message or send a mean message, it’s just how it makes me feel.

     Then there’s the “giving attention to something for a long time”, definition. Like, this blog? And to no avail? Or to schooling? That took tons of patience, fourteen years without any breaks, a lot of patience indeed. But with the schooling it does pay off eventually with a degree and better jobs. I’ve also given a lot of attention to my program and my faith. Daily. Day in, day out, every day for thirty-nine years, seven months and two weeks.  There have been days over the years when my faith has waned, and my attitude was less than excited about staying clean. Life can throw too many curveballs when you’re not looking, and it can be disheartening to say the least.

     I have wanted to chuck it all and give up on a few occasions, but I sat still, prayed, wrote, talked to someone, especially God, even if I felt angry at Him. And through it all, He has pulled me through. I simply just did not get loaded, one moment, one minute, one hour, one day at a time. As they say, “when you are at the end of your rope, make a knot and hang on.” And so, I did, and I will again whenever it becomes necessary.

     And this brings me to the last definition, “suffering without complaining or becoming annoyed”.  That’s not really me so much, I grumble too much, but I do try not to, especially around certain company. I will hold my tongue for a time and wait until I can talk to my trusted people, like my husband, sponsor, BFF, or some such person.

     The thing is, I do not pray for patience, as they say, “if you do, God will put many opportunities in front of you to help you learn to be more patient.”  No thanks! In early recovery my husband prayed for patience and next thing you know he’s pushing a motorcycle down a dirt road for miles!  No thanks.  I really don’t think we need to pray for patience, I believe life will just keep dishing out those “opportunities” to practice patience, whether we like it or not and we’ll either learn to adjust or we’ll always be in a nervous fit and full of anxiety and agony.

     The great thing about learning to adjust to life’s circumstances is that we do not have to do it alone, well, at least not me.  I have an all-powerful Higher Power that will see me through those times, even when I’m left on hold forever, I say the Serenity Prayer. I ask others to pray for me when something serious is afoot.  My husband and I are prayer warriors, we pray about everything, all the time. We pray for everyone we know and care about or heard that someone needs prayer. We pray for people we’ve never met and never will. That’s ok, we just want our God to know that we think of them. I’ve been praying for the hostages in Israel every day for about 410 days now.  I will patiently continue to pray for them no matter how long it takes.

I have a sponsee that has shared with us a couple of times that her adult daughter says that if she prayed for something one time, then she’s done. That didn’t really set right with me and then a couple of days ago I heard a pastor on a radio show talk about that. He said we must continue to pray, no matter how long it takes, keep praying and maybe, your child, your wife, husband, mother, brother, whoever will get clean and find a new way to live. Keep praying and giving thanks, that’s about the only thing I am consistently patience about, praying for others.

      I continue to pray for my son, his life, faith, getting and staying clean. I want the best for him.  Praying for him is seriously teaching me patience. I pray about big things, little things and every little thing.  God is good and He will answer, when He is ready. I just have to be patient and wait. With, His help of course.

Question of the Week: Are you a patient person?

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