Oldies but Goodies

Blog for December 2nd, 2024

Oldies but Goodies

     Last night I attended an Oldies but Goodies concert with an old friend that I have had for nearly fifty years, so yep, we’re oldies but goodies.  I was amazed at the energy the singers had. Very impressive.

    It was a nice evening and it’s always fun when I know all the words, to most of the songs.  My friend had a good time and that made me happy.  She has had a rough go of it the last few years, several surgeries and the loss of her husband in 2021 to Covid.  

     Through all her aches and pains and trials and tribulations she remains, humble, kind and loving.  That is not to say that she is not grieving and sad, but she is grateful as well. In September she celebrated forty years clean. I’m so proud of her. She has been an inspiration and a friend for longer than that. We used together and experienced a lot of good times as well as and sad times.

     Those songs last night brought back a lot of those memories. A lot of old feelings. Some good, some not so good. But I like that we are still making new memories. I am grateful for all of the times of caring, laughing, singing and enjoying each other. We are two peas in a pod really, that’s probably why we’ve always been friends.  I do not think we would have remained friends all this time if we hadn’t gotten clean when we did. Heck, I don’t think we’d be alive!

     Since this last week was a holiday of giving thanks, hanging out with family and friends, I always reminisce about the Thanksgivings of the past with my mom, sisters and my brother. Sometimes cousins and always a lot of nieces and nephews. I miss them all so much. Those were indeed the “good ole days”, maybe they are old memories, but they are the goodies. I cherish them.

   But this year, we did something very different for the first time ever, we celebrated alone. I did cook the traditional Thanksgiving feast, but it was a quiet, easy does it day for my Love and I. Yet, just across the way, very near us, our daughters and their families were all together celebrating the day. We have had many years of celebrating with them as well.

     Life may take different twists and turns and as we trudge along, making new memories and in different ways, one day, in the distant future, we’ll look back upon them as “the good ole days”. And these days will be our “oldies but goodies”.

Question of the Week: Do you like the oldies? The memories and past experiences that you no longer do. Well, I suggest putting on them old songs and enjoying them when you think of those times.

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