
Reconciliation -

Blog for April 25th, 2022

Reconciliation: restoration of friendly relations. Also, an element of salvation that refers to the results of atonement. Also, to make things right, i.e. in relationships and accounting.

     It’s been a pretty great week. We are on Easter Break here and our boy got to go hang out with his sister all week and will be back soon.  Easter is indeed a time for reconciling, for considering what God has done for us. To make right some wrongs.

How you can participate in Truth and Reconciliation - Reconciliation Canada  Reconciliation Canada

This week I went to an old friend’s house in another state and another old friend came also.  The three of us, go way way back.  We used together and then we got clean about the same time. I love them both very much and I’m so grateful to still have them in my life.

     So, you see, we have a lot of history together.  But they both had moved away, and we don’t really see each other much anymore.  If I see my BFF once a year, I’m lucky. But I see her on zoom sometimes too. However, the two of them hadn’t seen each other in twenty years! Wow! So now we were “reconciling” our relationships, getting reacquainted and remembering so much of our pasts.

     We went to a couple of local sites and drove about a bit. But mostly, we just hung out and talked and talked. I believe it was healing for my friends who have both recently been widowed due to Covid19.  I do not want that pain, I have had it before, but I was using and the drugs helped to squish out my feelings. And my friend was there with me at that time, she went through it with me forty-three years ago.

     We were getting reacquainted sort of, catching up, remembering, laughing, crying, hugging, eating.  All the stuff I like and expected.  They really needed this as well as me. Just getting away and being with old, familiar friends with like-mindedness is so refreshing and uplifting. Plus, I didn’t have to take care of anyone but myself.

Reconciliation is a Verb - RAVEN Trust

    Between the three of us, we have 110 years together! That’s nothing to sneeze at folks. We have had to work hard to hang onto our recovery, our lives and sanity at times.  There are few people left that I could talk to about the “old days” and my last few years, the worst years, of my using.  The people, the events, and times that we had. 

     On this trip I had went with the notion of praying about three specific things that are going on in my life. All these things revolve around other people.  I needed some distance, some time, and some space.  It was very rejuvenating, relaxing, and refreshing.  It gave me time to think and listen to God’s will.

    I even called my sponsor on my long drive home and ran it all by her.  Together we came up with solutions on a couple of my issues that I feel very comfortable with. It was time for reconciling with someone I care for.

Reconciling people is better than prayer, fasting and charity - AMUST

      I had already started working on one issue when I was at my friends, which involved making an appointment- I may discuss that one later, it’s a big one for sure. 

    But the other two issues that I’ve had hanging over me for a while, especially one of them, I have since confronted and made my peace with. I am so thankful for steps, sponsorship, and God’s love.  That’s what it took, it was difficult for me, I prayed for

courage, and He gave it to me.

     I don’t truly know the effects of my efforts yet, but I was willing to make amends (reconcile) for my wrongs and do what I should to make it right.  This is what I have learned in the program.  We’ll see how it goes from here, but at least I know I’ve done my part.

     This coming week- Wednesday, will be when I confront my other two issues, more will be revealed. I will be in prayer and ask God to help me be kind, loving and thoughtful to all concerned.  Even myself!

I am so grateful to my God that He has reconciled me to Himself, Easter was a good reminder of that. Actually, my daily life is a reminder of that. God is good. He has taken the old self and given me a new life, what an amazing gift I’ve been given, a second chance, a new “reconciled” life. Because of the relationship with my Higher Power being reconciled, now I can reconcile with others as well and live a much more peaceful life, more comfortable in my own skin.

Question of the Week: Do you need to reconcile with anyone?

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