The Journey Continues

Blog for September 26th, 2022

The Journey Continues

     My sponsee and I had a great trip to Kentucky and Houston, as I alluded to last week in my blog.  We made it home safely, all is well, except for a head cold. But it’s passing now and it’s time to hunker down in the land that God planted me in.

    I am processing my feelings and replaying the whole trip in my mind. I am feeling blessed with the sum total of my experiences, and I have a feeling of fullness, accomplishments and experiences. This is new for me. I do not usually let myself have such grand feelings. But I do recognize that this is only possible because of my God and NA, my recovery, and the effort I have put into it. With surrender being the first main ingredient.

     Now that it’s officially Fall and summer is behind us, I have concluded my adventures and travels for a while. Of course, I am already planning next summer’s trips. That’s just who I am, I always want a plan and something to look forward to. I learned that in my recovery.  It started with getting chips for days, months & years and working the steps. Going to school and getting degrees, getting the jobs I wanted and watching our kids reach their goals and moving on, finally- retirement.

    What a blessing it is to have reached those goals. Now I get to do bucket list stuff. My bucket list is fluid, always adding to it and rearranging it. I didn’t know seeing all fifty states was a thing for me until last winter.  I had noticed that I’d been to over forty, and so I thought, yes, let’s do that, it was a perfect way to buffer myself from the sadness of my grandson moving out.  My husband and I did most of seeing the states together, another blessing to be sure. And so, I did it, all fifty states and now I am waiting for my prize about accomplishing that feat. But, nope, no one cares but me. Lol.  And that’s fine, because I know, I am feeling the experiences and it’s pretty cool and makes me even more grateful for my recovery.  That’s the only way I could do these things.

     So now, I will settle into the Fall season with my local family, sponsee’s and friends.  Looking for ways to serve and be of use in my own little world here. As they say in the program, “the journey continues”. And that’s even if I’m just hang’n out at home!

     I watched a spiritual program this morning, with Charles Stanley, he is so good. Anyway, he was talking about how we are always to be useful, no matter our age or circumstances. There is always something we can do to be of service.

     He talked about always having something to look forward to, and I agree, I’ve lived my thirty-seven years of recovery like that and there’s no need to stop now.  He said retired people can fall into a trap of thinking they are “done”.  And they tend to just quit doing things, caring, helping, striving.  I hope that’s not me. I hope to always carry the message of hope, love and recovery.  I hope to be of service as long as I live, somehow, someway.  At a local church they have a group of seniors called “the not yet done for club.”  Whoop, there I am! Lol

     Until I take my last breath, this journey will continue. Just because I’m about done with my bucket list stuff and the summer’s travels, doesn’t mean my journey has ended, but I know there is more to my journies. More people to twelve-step, more hugs to give out, more to accomplish.  Always having a plan, goals and dreams ahead of me has kept me clean this long. The Journey still does continue.

Question of the Week: How’s Your “journey going?” “Got Plans?”

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