Steady as She Goes/ Transformation

Blog for December 5th, 2022

Steady as she Goes – Transformation

     Interesting, busy week. Well at least for two old, retired people.  During this week I have continued a steady schedule of cleaning and organizing. Meanwhile, my husband woke up one morning with a big goiter growing on the right side of his neck.  Well, that set things in motion around here.

     I called his doctor’s office; our doctor is out of state until January. We were sent to the next town, and it wasn’t easy. Meanwhile, our precious little grandson was taken by ambulance to the hospital.  So, I went there to see him after my husband was done with doctor.  It is so sad to see sick babies. He had a bad seizure.

     So, over the course of the week we went to my dentist, got ultrasound, lab work, pharmacy and googled the malady.  He is getting better, thank-goodness.  But meanwhile, we are staying the course and starting to decorate for Christmas. Which will be very low key around here this year.  Keeping it simple and easy.

     I have been hitting a meeting most every morning, doing my service commitments and talking with sponsees.  Some of them are going through some pretty hard times right now.  They are all always in my prayers.

     But for me, I am in a metamorphosis, a transition.  I am not sharing in meetings I am not getting to functions; I am staying within. And I mean that in more ways than one.  Steady as she goes, staying the course, but staying within.  I have personal things I want and need to tend to.  Kind of like getting my life on track.  So I’ll just hunker down for the winter and do it. 

     Strangely enough, after I wrote all of the above I was watching a guy named Jack Hibbs and he was talking about transformation.  Letting God transform us.  Wow, I don’t think this was a coincidence.  It was put in my path at this time for the purpose of my transformation experience and perhaps yours, through this blog.  It seems he has a pod cast called “Real Life with Jack Hibbs”. I just got the app right now.  Anyway, he’s right, if I let go and let God, I will be transformed into who I’m truly supposed to me, who God wants me to be.

     I feel it would behoove me to write about what I think that is, but then sit back and let God lead the way.  Do not interfere with His plans, roll with them and stay steady as she goes.

Question of the Week: Are you ready for transformation?

It’s a process

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