Practical equals Spiritual?

Blog for December 19th, 2022

Practical equals Spiritual?

      I was in a zoom meeting this last week and the  topic ended up being “practical equals spiritual”.   This is in one of the books from NA.  I enjoyed the meeting and listened to everyone’s view on it.  The ones who shared all seemed to go along with this idea.  I could see their point of view (POV), but I did not share my view on it.

     Mostly I didn’t share because I didn’t think my POV would be very much appreciated with this group.  I kept thinking about what I had heard about Jesus, that he came to Earth to do something radical and crazy.  He caused a big commotion and the people of his day there in Israel, in Jerusalem, they fought amongst themselves over his birth, His existence, His reasons for coming to Earth. 

     Since its Christmas time, I can’t help but think of Him and his radical movement.  He talked about: Love, forgiveness and showing kindness to our enemies, these were radical ideas that blew all practicality out the window. Yet, it’s THE MOST spiritual thing I’ve ever heard of. It’s the most spiritual concept that’s ever been introduced to mankind.

     So, no, I don’t agree that something has to be practical to be spiritual. Jesus was not always practical.  Christmas is upon us and therefore, He is the reason for the season.  As you look around at Christmas decorations and displays, they all have posters and words around them:  Peace on Earth, Goodwill towards men, Love one another, Give to the less fortunate, Share with our loved ones, Have Charity.  He brought us all these things, all these ideas to planet earth.

     The most radical of all was “Love your enemies”, in His time, this was unheard of. The Romans had taken over their city, their country and imposing their ways on the Jewish people and charging them ridiculous taxes to be in their own homes, in their own land.  Those Romans were not very lovable. 

     To take it a step further, as Jesus hung on that cross the Roman’s put Him on to die, He ask His Father in heaven, God Himself, to forgive them! To forgive the enemies, His killers! Wow! Who does that?

     Yes, I understand the concept that the people were talking about in the meeting, “if it’s not practical, its not spiritual.” Because order and calm are indeed spiritual principles too, the order that God planted in the world, but us humans continue to complicate things and demand more than we ought to.  Our expectations can often be a bit unrealistic.  If it’s not affordable for me to go off and buy a million-dollar home, or a Lamborghini, then that’s not very practical, it’s ridiculous.

     It’s also practical for me to clean my house, go to a doctor when sick, take good care of myself, stay off of drugs (that aren’t prescribed), take care of my family and love my people. It is practical and spiritual to do those things as well as many other things.

     However, I do not believe that the statement “If it’s not practical, it’s not spiritual” is an absolute.  Sometimes we must take a risk, a risk that does not seem practical at the time, but we step out in faith and wait for the miracle.  And of course, miracles are not practical either. 

     And yet, for an addict to stay clean and not use drugs is a miracle. We are all miracles here. We have defied the odds, it is a very spiritual thing to do, yet it’s not practical.  Well, I think you see my point on this topic, thank-you for indulging me with this thought and I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas. God Bless you all, everyone.

Question of the Week:  What “unpractical” thing have you done lately that is spiritual?

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