
Blog for January 9th, 2023


Upliftingness: The state of being uplifted through spirituality and action.   To be given a state of grace and hope, no matter the circumstances. To have others give you help, compliments and prayer on your behalf.

     It’s been a pretty great start to the new year.  A great time celebrating my husband’s thirty-eight years clean.  Visiting with kids, grandkids and great grandkids.  They always lift me up, they are my happy spot! 😊  As well as celebrating my husband and a sponsee too.

     Another wonderful thing that happened for me this week was my sweet, adorable granddaughter-in-law, came over and took time from her busy mommy life to scrub my tub! What a blessing she is for me.  I cannot bend over like for that long anymore.  I hurt my back my last year of work and bending like that is impossible.  I’m so grateful for her and any help I can get around here.

     This week I’ve had some good conversations with friends and sponsee’s.  I finally went and got a haircut, a new style, and for me, that is huge. Lol. It was quite uplifting, especially when a man in the salon walking by said, “very pretty”. Wow! His comment was very uplifting too.  Also, I have been working on other writing projects I have going and getting quiet time to write and let it pour out is always uplifting for me.

     In other words, I am feeling better, lighter and been a bit more active.  Which is something different for me in January. I usually fight off depression, sadness and the “I don’t cares”. But now, I am feeling like I do care, even in January, when it’s been so cloudy, cold and rainy a lot. Which is all good stuff, but it can kick off my Seasonal Affectedness Disorder, SAD. It’s real people.

     So, to what do I attribute this new and improved attitude?  Well 1st, My God is great. 2nd, I’m in the no matter what club! I stay clean no matter what by working my steps, calling my sponsor, going to meetings, being of service.  3rd, my husband and I have been reading meditations together every day and commenting on them to each other.  We have also started a writing project together and that really lifts me up.

     4th, it is finally just he and I.  I have very much enjoyed a couple of visits with our grandson during the holiday season and he is doing great and was a joy to be around. That especially lifts me up.  So, the decision to let go and let God with him has proven to be a good one thus far. I’m so grateful for his sister and brother in-law for that.  5th, my son is staying clean and working. 6th, I have let go of relationships that are nothing but a struggle and pain for me. I snapped. I’m done. And oh man, does that feel good. I felt immediately lighter when I hit the “unfollow button” if you know what I mean. I don’t know why I didn’t do that sooner, I guess we’re not ready until we’re ready. 

     There will always be challenges, grief to bear, problems to solve, life to live.  One day at a time, we’re doing it, I’m grateful to be in a pocket of upliftingness right now.  I will enjoy it while it lasts. I believe my God wants the best for me, in every area of my life and He will always lift me up and pull me up out of my funk if only I let Him.  I’m here to tell ya, that today, I’m letting Him. With much gratitude.

Question of the Week:  Have you felt uplifted lately? Could you use a little uplifting?

Wish this were always possible, but we can try.

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