An Ounce of Prevention

Blog for February 6, 2023

    What’s that old saying about an ounce of prevention?

 “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Benjamin Franklin

     One way it was explained to me was that it’s better to have a flu shot than the flu.  Yes, that’s true.  It seems that this last week my husband and I have been going to and fro, getting scans, lab work and various kinds of check-ups. This will continue for the rest of this month.  You see, we went to our doctor for check-up and next thing we know, we have a ton of referrals.

     Whereas all of this is hectic and even confusing at times, I do believe in an once of prevention.  If we do have something going on in our bodies, it’s best to catch it early and deal with it.  This kind of attitude is not how we were before we got clean.  Yes, we were a lot younger then and of course bullet proof, but our attitudes were to shine it on, stick our heads in the sand and it’ll go away. 

     Well, we all know where that kind of thinking gets us: Sick!  But continuing to use like there’s no tomorrow, we ended up so sick in our disease of addiction that it nearly took us out.

     Once I got clean, I finally started paying attention to my physical well being as well as my mental and spiritual well-being.  It took some time, but I finally started to be pro-active in caring for myself. The first physical care for myself was with the dentist, ugh! I hate the dentist, but I went and in the long run, I am glad I did. I pretty much still have all my teeth.

 As I began to pay more attention to what I ate and drank. Like 64 oz soda’s and nearly a whole pack of cigarettes at a meeting. Wow!  I complained to my sponsor about meetings were giving me headaches, she said, “did you ever think about all the soda you drink and cigarettes you smoke?”  Holy mackerel! That’s crazy.  

     So, I finally took notice and started paying attention, I didn’t get clean so I could kill myself with tar, nicotine and toxic drinks. Don’t even get me started on sugar.

     Now days I do the whole check-up thing and stay pro-active, so yes, I will follow through with these annoying referrals and pray for the best, for both me and my husband.  

     Another kind of “prevention” is with the drug prevention programs taught in schools these days, like Red Ribbon Week and the DARE program and others. Trying to deter kids from ever even trying drugs.  That is such a great idea, and maybe it works for some, but not all. Not everyone is into prevention- of any malady. Some just choose to take their chances with a care-free, la-de-da, life. That’s fine, they can. But for me, that didn’t quite work out.

     I have always been pro-active about my recovery since I hit my first meeting.  I go to meetings, call my sponsor, work my steps, stay of service and give back. That’s the basics.  So as much as I try to stay healthy in spiritual and recovery ways, I also try to stay physically healthy.

     I am grateful that I live in a country that has such great health care and insurance plans to get it done. I am very grateful, many people on the planet do not get the care they need, I do not take it for granted. Far be it for me to whine and complain about having it so good and being taken care of.  I feel the same way about my husband’s care too.

     If an ounce of prevention will help us feel better longer and be happy, joyous and free, as our program says we will, then go ahead and bring on the prevention.

Question of the Week:  Have you been taking an ounce of prevention lately?

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