Airport Blues

Blog for April 17, 2023

     Airport Blues

     Right now, I’m sitting at my gate, here at Houston International Airport. Getting ready to head home. 😊 I sure miss my Love.  This trip was all about my beautiful sponsee, Monica.  All I wanted to do was come and give her a hug! And indeed I did, a lot of them.

  It was a wonderful time with her and her husband. She and I got to fellowship with other women in the program, it was awesome. It was a private thing at her friend’s place. We all talked and talked and one more time we all found out we’re not the only ones with work issues, kid issues, health issues etc.  And we laughed out loud a lot, so good for the soul.

    Then she took me to a cousin of mine that moved in this Houston area. Been a long time since I’ve seen her, it was great. Then onto a superior restaurant for dinner and onto an awesome meeting.  I loved it.

     Meanwhile, everyday I kept in touch with my husband, and we read the JFT and the SPAD together, NA literature. We also read some scriptures together.  I love him so much, can’t wait to get home to him. 

    He has also kept me apprised of some of our peoples conditions that are going through some hard medical situations.  As I write this, we have a nephew in open heart surgery who was told he has a 50/50 chance of survival, we are praying for him fervently.  I also got word last night that a friend had a heart attack while driving and wrecked into a light pole and is dead.  A real good guy with thirty years clean! You just never know what will happen around here.

    I struggled in this airport this morning with trying to find food and walking a million miles and my back was hurting. A really nice kid that works here gave me a ride in a wheelchair, it was awesome and helped me find food.  He was as sweet as can be. There are nice people everywhere I tell ya. Eskimo’s we use to call them in the program. People who show up right when you need them, out of nowhere.  I also call them angels.

     I also got the bad news that our area made a decision yesterday to kick a group out of our area. So sad, so wrong. But that group puts their trust in God, and they will ultimately be ok.  I’m praying for them too. 

     So, as I sit here, there are beautiful memories to reflect on and prayers to be had at this very moment. I will miss my sponsee and pray her radiation does not take a toll on her, but does get rid of all the cancer, amen. I pray all our family and friends will survive the surgery, the pain of loss, the longtime heartache to come.

    One more time, the week has been a mixed bag of ups and downs, don’t even get me started on this airline! 

Question of the Week:  How was your week? Any blues?


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