Old and New Memories

Blog for May 29th, Memorial Day, 2023

Old and New Memories

     This was quite an eventful and memorable week. Our youngest grandson completed the eighth grade, and we took him on a 540-mile trip- one way- to see his little Buddy. It was a two-fold trip. First, to do something for him for passing the eighth grade and second, a little get away for us. 

     The trip went well I think, no major issues, thank the Lord! And the area we went to was beautiful. I enjoyed the hike to the falls, the picnic at the lake, the science museum and seeing the new Fast X movie with them boys. All in all, it went well, except the dog has issues, but the boys had a good time together.

     I know that I look for distractions and adventures, as well as making memories with my family. This month I have certainly done that and I’m so grateful, because time is way too short on this earth.  As we tend to “celebrate” or maybe “commemorate” Memorial Day it reminds me of those I love with all my heart and soul that have passed on.

     I know that Memorial Day is about honoring our military and heroes, but I have memories of so many of my people that are gone, more each year and I think of them all, all the time. Yet, today is my sister-in-law’s birthday and she passed away about six years ago. And tomorrow is our daughter’s nine-year anniversary of passing away, so young. Both had cancer.

     Yes, I get sad when I think of them all and miss them terribly, I have a very long list, but I’ll not share it all here.  I try to do my best to honor them

and their memories.  I do remember when my sister passed away in 1997, I had twelve years clean, and a friend of mine that I worked with and was in recovery as well said to me “are you thinking of using?”  I said, “no way”, the last thing I ever want to do is dishonor her memory with me getting loaded again. I want to show love and respect to my loved ones that have gone before me.

     Sometimes, the best thing to do, the right thing to do is to feel your feelings. Just be still, feel God, His love and comfort. Feeling the loss, the pain, the hurt and perhaps, the relief, as in the case of our daughter. Her cancer brought her so much physical pain that, by the end, it was a relief to know she was not suffering anymore.  

     Oh yes, there are many memories on this Memorial Day, good and bad, happy and funny, sad and joyous. You can’t know somebody all their lives and not have experienced every emotion in the world with them and I relieve some of those emotions when the memories come up.

     There are times when I have feelings that grief will swallow me up and paralyze me for life, leaving me incapacitated and not able or willing to do anything more in life, just sit and wait for my turn so I can join them. But thank the Lord for the steps and fellowship and for His love, care and guidance.  He helps me get up and go experience more love, joy, comfort and make new memories with those that are still here and able to be loved. Like our little grandson, who is not little anymore, at thirteen he is towering over me and ready to start high school. These kids are my focus now and of course, every day with my husband is a blessed and happy day for sure. I do not want to miss a minute of it.  I want to keep making memories to cherish.

     Yesterday was our 34th annual Spring Fling for our fellowship and being with other recovering friends, hearing a good speaker and fellowshipping was just what the doctor ordered. It lifts me up to celebrate recovery with our people. We just made more memories.

Question of the Week:  Does Memorial Day cause you to reflect and remember your loved ones that have passed on?

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