
Blog for August 14th, 2023


     As we recall last week’s blog, I was preparing to leave on our “big trip” a nice trip with my husband to the northern parts of our beautiful country. I was going to reflect, relax, work my steps and “drop the rock”.  Come home lighter and freer.

     I had gotten the house all in order and loaded the camper, not an easy task for me, but my husband has not been feeling very good.  Still, we loaded up and headed out. We made it to our first night’s destination and chilled at the campsite that night. But, our rest was short lived. We both had a bad night, especially my husband.

     I was extremely worried about him and when he got up I said, “lets talk”, he said “I hope it’s about going home”. And indeed, it was and we did.  We got home on Tuesday and Wednesday I took him to the ER. He was worsening. They treated him and we came home, and we’ve just been staying home, trying to heal. I am sick too, not like him, but it has slowed me down as well. Just a little set back.

     It’s ok with me that we came back home, I’d rather have him here, healing and getting well than to be on the road looking for help and watching him suffer.  Some trips are just not meant to be and that’s ok. The only thing that matters is him, getting him well and feeling better.

     Sometimes our plans change, through no fault or no idea of our own. God has other plans for us, sometimes for reasons we may not ever know about. Things happen and we must make the best decision we can, considering all the circumstances involved. We may think it’s a setback, but really, it could be a blessing.

    I, myself, have spent too many times trying to push through to make my plans work out- to no avail. I seem to only make matters worse when I insist on having my way. I was famous for that when I was using. It can easily cause a calamity.

     I’m not sure if we’ll ever get a chance to take that trip, but its ok, as the old Marshal Tucker song says “I’m living, I’m happy and I’m free”.  So, I’ll just sit here and listen to the wind blow and do my best to help my husband get well. We are still “one day at a timers”. We just need to back up and re-group, set our sights on healing and wellness. Always searching for God’s will and asking for the power to carry it out. (see step 11).

      During my “re-grouping” time, I can still work my steps here at home and go outside and find them rocks to drop. Let go and let God. I think I need to add another rock to my list, ha!

     Setbacks can be great opportunities. To reassess our situations, our plans, our futures, our real needs and wants, our desires, our place in this world and the opportunity to rest. Just chill out and let the world go by for a minute, let it all go. We’re having a “staycation”.

     It’s not the end of the world, just a little set back and by that, I don’t mean the canceled trip, I mean my husband’s health. He is the most important thing in this equation. There will be more trips, but there will never be another love of my life like him. His comfort and healing are priority one.

Question of the Week: Have you had any setbacks this week?

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