Looking Forward

Blog for September 18th, 2023

Looking Forward

     The other day I was thinking about how I used to look forward to occasions, meet-ups, gatherings, and travel. I am very much looking forward to fulfilling a bucket list desire this week. The Northern Lights.  I believe they are magical, mysterious and one more way that God shows us He is the best decorator of all.

   So of course, I’m looking forward to that trip. I also have a big birthday that I am on the fence about. On the one hand, thank you Lord for letting me live this long and have a pretty decent life with these years, especially the recovery part. I have been clean for more than half my life and that is an amazing miracle, like the Aurora Borealis.

    I am looking forward to the birthday party that my sweet, beautiful daughter is planning for me. But I am not looking forward to the aging and more aches and pains that come with it. I am doing my best to stay fit and healthy so I can enjoy my time with my family and friends. And so, I can continue to carry the message of recovery.

    I am looking forward to finishing my books, my house, my bucket list and all the occasions where I get to celebrate my people and life as I know it.  But I am not looking forward to losing friends and family, something that time and life bring with them. I’ve had many friends die just this year alone.

     I am looking forward to more hugs and visits from my grandkids, great grandkids, and kids too. I am looking forward to watching them grow, graduate from different schools, and find the jobs and lives of their dreams. I look forward to more precious babies. I am looking forward to more holidays with them all.

    I am looking forward to more step-work and literature meetings with sponsees and finding new enlightening ways to love. To love each other, and the newcomers. I am looking forward to watching them all heal, learn, and grow. I look forward to watching them have a life beyond their wildest dreams with their families and sponsees.  

      I am looking forward to being of service as much as I can to God, family, NA and whatever He has me do and wherever He puts me. I am looking forward to my husband’s 100th birthday! That means I would be ninety, lol. I look forward to having fifty years clean! But no projecting. I look forward to watching my son and daughter get thirty-year cakes as well.

     I look forward to more happy times with the people I love. Not just the ones I already know, but there are more to come.  I look forward to continually working my steps, reading my bible, and finding peace and solitude. I look forward to noise too. I have two concerts booked as I write this, and it may be more real soon.

     I look forward to cool evenings and sitting outside with my husband in the evening breeze and we talk and plan and reminisce. I especially look forward to the second coming of my Lord.

Question of the Week: What are you looking forward to this week, month, year?

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