
Blog for October 23rd, 2023


     Well, it’s been a pretty mellow, downlow kind of week.  No real big deals, no traveling, no birthdays here, no one got hurt or sick, praise the Lord! I like weeks like this. I even relaxed in my chair with reading and fell asleep for a few minutes. That’s awesome. I felt at peace.

     It’s ok to just be still, be still and know that I am says the Lord, so yes, be still. In fact, it’s not just ok, I think it’s necessary. It is for me for sure, but I think it is for everyone. We all need to rest and re-charge, not that a trip, a vacation isn’t fun and can be relaxing, but it’s my experience that traveling requires effort and work. So, it’s not true rest.

     I suppose if your vacation was to lie on the beach all day every day then maybe you relax and recharge. But traveling can be a chore for sure. This is one area where I get to practice my program. Work my steps with all the workers at the airport, the other travelers and the equipment involved. Like the plane I was to get on in Fairbanks, they said it had a lot of mechanical problems and delayed us over six hours.  Wow!

     You just have to learn to take things in stride and chill. Especially when traveling and far from home. Know that anything can happen, but God is in charge. I usually say the Serenity Prayer about a dozen times or more in those situations.

     We also enjoyed a very relaxing, fun time at our local NA fellowship with an end of summer picnic and hike, beautiful day. It was great and we were blessed to pick up a newcomer and her son and they had a great time being out of doors. She has been struggling and it is awesome to see them having fun and enjoying life on life’s terms. The event was relaxing.

     But being home, quiet and serene is the gift of having worked hard throughout my life. It is indeed time to relax and have easy days. Not to stress and worry about everything or anything is such a gift. However, I am still very concerned with world affairs, wars, and political issues. I also pray a lot about my kids and grandkids and things they deal with. I can not make the world perfect for them, I would if I could, but I can’t.  So, there is always something to have some level of stress over.

     But all in all, this has been one of lowest levels of a stressful week of my life. How cool is that? Maybe I will learn how to “chillax” as my kids say, chill and relax, that’s my new mantra, “chillax Booma”. 😊

Question of the Week: How do you like to chill and relax?

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