
Blog for December 28th 2023


     It’s that time of year again, tamale time. At least around here where we live.  We can and we do eat tamales year ‘round, but at Christmas time they are a “thing” here.  So, in my efforts to get the required tamales for the family festivies on Christmas Eve, and my efforts to help out a newcomer lady, broke and alone with her eight year boy, I found out she makes tamales and so paid her to make us some.  It seemed like a win/win situation.  And indeed it is.

     The thing is, my husband and several others we know make really good tamales, but that wasn’t the point.  The point is sharing love and joy with others.  I sure hope that is being accomplished for her, I know it is for me.  It doesn’t even really matter what they taste like, the point is helping others and leaving their pride in tact.  To me, for me, this is a joyful act.

     I know the holiday season is a time when more people give, share and help others. It brings both the giver and receiver joy.  I almost called this blog “joy”, because I have been hearing, reading and feeling joy everywhere. Not surprising this time of year I know, but it is resonating with me at this time.  But instead, I thought of the tamales, and how since I told a couple of other recovering addicts about her and the tamales, they have put in more orders for tamales, for joy.  To me, at this point, they are one and the same.  I love how God works.

     This time of year we can run a gambit of emotions, last week I wrote about grief in the holidays, now, I turn to joy. That is what I choose to hold onto at this time. To experience the love, kindness and thoughtfulness that people show at this time.  There is enough hate, ugly, pain and dismay going on in the world to last us all a million lifetimes, but just for this holiday season, I will seek joy. 

     I will share my tamales with my family and friends, I will share love, hope and joy every chance I get, one day at a time, just for the season. May God bless and keep you and yours happy, joyous and free this week and into Christmas day or whatever holiday you celebrate with your loved ones. My prayer is that we all stay clean and in recovery for the duration and into the New Year.

Question of the Week: What brings you joy?

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