
Blog for December 25th, 2023

Christmas Day

     Yes, I know, Christmas is a Christian holiday and in our programs, we try to be all inclusive.  The thing is, I have a few friends that are agnostic and a couple of atheists too. I sponsor a couple of women who are agnostic, and they love Christmas.  That used to baffle me a long time ago. But clearly, their enthusiasm for decorating, music, cooking, family time and vacation is a huge attraction for them.  For them and millions of others.

     Christmas means a lot of different things for a lot of people, of course the reason for the season is and always will be the birth of Jesus.  A savior was born in a manger and has come to set us all free. But many others just enjoy the festivities without the beliefs.  I am not here to tell you how or what to believe, just qualifying the topic, because I put my blogs up on Mondays, and this year, Christmas falls right on a Monday, so I’d be remiss if I did not mention the biggest holiday of the year on the whole planet.

     One thing I love about Christmas is the message of love and peace. The idea of us all being united in thoughts, minds, and action as we all take a collective beat and think about God and others. We think about giving, not taking. Of course, the children want presents, I know I always did and still might. Many people say, “Christmas is about the kids” and for sure, I love seeing their faces when they open a present of something they have really been wanting.  That’s great, it makes my heart smile.

     You also see a lot of gratitude this time of year and people reaching out to help the less fortunate and donating to helping causes. But some people do not see Christmas that way, they see it as a time of pain, depression, complaining and un-realized wishes and dreams.  I myself, have to combat the depression and sadness that wants to creep in and take me down at this magical time of year. I miss so many people that I love most dearly, I reminisce and think of the times we were all together, I get very sentimental and nostalgic.

     One way to combat those thoughts and feelings is to live and give in the present moment.  I try to give back a little to neighbors, sponsees, friends and of course my family. But like I said, many people are not in such good shape during the Holiday season. Here in our neighborhood, a couple of streets up, a house caught fire due to a Christmas tree and the five kids in the house were trapped inside. The fireman got them out, but a two-year-old and a seven-year-old succumbed to the smoke fumes and passed away. They lost everything in this fire, so our community is rallying to help them as best we all can.

     Helping them is a way for me to stay out of my own head and not feel sorry for myself due to my own losses. There is always someone in need or pain that is worse off than you. So, if you are feeling down, feeling the pain, the loss, the loneliness, think about how you can help others. 

     Christmas is supposed to be about joy and happiness, giving and showing love. Of course, the decorations don’t hurt either, they brighten things up for sure. The baked goods and family time and dinners are also a party bonus. Still, there are times during these holidays that I have to work my steps and put my program into high gear to make it through without ending up owing amends to people that I just don’t care that much for in the first place.

     That brings me to the ever-important tactic of “lowering your expectations”. Oh yes, this is highly beneficial for sure. When I know I’m headed into a situation where I must be “nice” to people that are not really my cup of tea, I keep my expectations in check and keep my mouth shut. This can also include watching my facial expressions and body language.

     Christmas is many things to many people, for me, it’s a celebration and reminder of my Higher Power’s birth, my own rebirth and the faith that I have been able to grow thanks to my recovery.  I hope and pray, that you all have a day you love with the people you treasure or at least with people who show love and kindness and if they can’t, then you can.

Question of the Week: What does Christmas mean to you?

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